




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

3 Years

Pride - LesbianPride - Demisexual
06-08-2022, 03:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2022, 03:04 PM by Pleione. Edited 1 time in total.)

Pleione only knew of Shuriken by name and title, as she’d inquired about all the high ranking wolves of the Ashen and their allies. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but this yearling’s meekness wasn’t it. It seemed it was size alone she shared with Venom, the aesthetic of a warrior queen without the temperament. The diminutive nickname was noted and then promptly ignored. Pleione would show her the proper respect, whether she’d earned it or not.

“Of course, Lady Shuriken,” she said, still addressing only her direct superior, avoiding the other female’s gaze. She took note of her name nonetheless, it’d look thoughtless to not at least keep track of the packmates she’d met in person. She did not offer a nickname for herself when she added, “I’m Pleione.”

The princess proved herself a little more once they were actually out in the field. She moved with the confidence of a practiced tracker and even if she didn’t dole orders like a queen, they were reasonable and easy to follow. She nodded silently at Shuriken’s orders, a little annoyed she wouldn’t have a chance to strike at the beast herself, but self aware enough to know the honor wasn’t for her. It wasn’t until the two were left alone that Pleione finally turned her attention to Cian.

“Obviously I wasn’t planning on running up right behind it and getting kicked in the face,” she snorted dismissively under her breath. “Sure. Just match my pace and go on my signal, okay?”
She’d chew the other girl out over trying to boss her around later. Now wasn’t the time. She was waiting, listening carefully, tracking the time it would take for their leader to circle around behind the herd. At the same time she was creeping carefully closer to their prey, singling out the male in question.

“You see him there, right? We’ll start wide and come in from behind and either side to separate him from the herd,” she instructed, “and then flank him and drive him right into the Lady’s waiting maw.”
She was doing calculations in her head, sensing the wind, gauging the top speed and rate of acceleration she’d need. Waiting, watching, completely focused on the task at hand. She caught a flash of movement from the opposite treeline- Shuriken moving into position- and that was her cue. She shot a meaningful glance back at Cian, confirming without words, and then with a burst of speed she shot on ahead of her, flicking her in the nose with her tail in passing.

“Keep up, don’t hold me back,” she called back as the herd scattered, panic rippling through them like waves crashing against the sea.