



5 Years
Extra large
10-06-2013, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2013, 06:37 PM by Taurig.)

On some level he knew that that she was a horrible person. Had this been happening to someone close to him, he wouldn't have condoned it in the slightest because of the kinds of repercussions it would have later on. But now...He could understand why someone would put themselves in a situation like that because he was doing it to himself. He didn't regret it. Maybe at some point he would, but in this moment he didn't. It was the best decision he'd made so far, besides having left Glaciem to start his own pack, despite now having his former pack as an enemy. She was his poison and he would slowly die for her as many times as she wanted.

Whenever you?re ready. He'd been ready. For the longest time. He'd always been ready for her and he was most definitely ready for her now. But once he went through with it, she would be gone, gone with the rising morning sun and he would most likely never see her again; at least not under these types of circumstances. Needing it, craving it, desiring it, desiring her the titan would give her haunches one last kiss before he would raise himself up on his hind legs, forelimbs reaching up to gently wrap around her hips, pulling himself closer. The member between his hips throbbed painfully, begging him to take the beautiful woman before him and show what she would be missing for the rest of her life. He would tease her entrance, brushing it with his tip, daggers nipping at the back of her neck, salmon tongue soothing each nip. With careful strokes the titan would slowly slip inside the duchess until he was in to the hilt, his body now merged with hers. I love you....Don't ever forget that... He whispered huskily into her ear, his body beginning to rock against hers, finally able to show her just how much he truly loved her.


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