
More Dazzling than the Lights

Avacyn ♡



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 03:35 AM

Avacyn struggled against the snow leopard that had grappled around her neck, grimacing and growling at the stabbing pain of its claws cutting into her upper chest and the base of her neck near her shoulder. She jabbed her elbow back into its ribs, but that wasn't enough to get it to let go until Saracyn came charging in and removed the predator from her, causing the spotted feline to yowl and struggle. She didn't have a chance to turn and make sure Sara was okay though because the one that had been on his back before was now on top of her as well, limping toward them to help its companion despite its injured leg. It made a reckless strike at her, making her stagger back out of its path as its paw narrowly missed slicing across the end of her muzzle. Her lips pulled back over her lips in a snarl and she lunched forward, sick and tired of all of these fights landing in their laps today.

She threw her foreleg up as the snow leopard's paw swiped at her again, using the hardened scales along the front portion of her leg to block its claws and causing them to glance off of her. She lunged forward and caught its retreating paw at the ankle between her jaws, throwing her head to the side to yank the feline off of its paws, causing it to sprawl out in the snow in front of her. She bit down hard on the joint just to crush the smaller bones there for good measure, before she released it and slammed her paw down onto the top of its head, shoving its face down into the snow. She grabbed the back of its neck between her jaws, crushing down around its vertebra with a growl. Unknowingly, she ended the fight as quickly as it began in a very similar manner to her twin, twisting her head and snapping the cat's neck to make it immediately go limp under her.

She let go and stumbled back a step, panting as she quickly turned around, her obsidian gaze frantically looking for Saracyn. Once her gaze fell on him and saw the dead feline at his feet she gave a tired sigh, the tension in her shoulders easing again. She walked over to him, her brows pulling together as she examined the new cuts around his cheeks and jaws, lifting her paws to his face to gently look him over. "No more fights," she muttered with a soft chuckle, her gaze finding his. Once again she had him to thank for saving her, but she didn't feel like she needed to. He rescued her, she rescued him, and back and forth they had gone like that all day—looking out for one another as they always had. She truly felt like no one would ever have her back the way Saracyn did, but that wasn't a new revelation. It had always been them from the very beginning and it always would be.

"Avacyn Mendacium"