
hey mind if....i eat your food?



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5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipPride - LesbianAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverBy the skin of my teethOverachieverSnake EyesCritical Fail!
06-09-2022, 01:38 PM
Ophie nodded along, as though some deep and valuable morsel of wisdom had been exchanged. Something only the two of them could understand. And she supposed that's why they both got along so well, whatever parts of her Briar didn't understand, she still made an effort to. Tried to tangle through the emotional mess that was her little sister. Was it worth the effort? Probably not, but Ophie was glad she was happy to try all the same. That at least someone hadn't given up on her yet.

Waiting as patiently as she could manage, Ophie took to glancing around the room once more. She didn't mind being inside, felt less exposed, like she could find somewhere to hide without the risk of anyone catching a glimpse. Seeing what they weren't meant to see. Of course Briar didn't leave her hanging for too long, she returned soon enough with a smile that rivalled the sun.

And feast she would, like a raccoon in the bin behind a McDonald's.

Briar really was good with her paws though, certain and fluid in her motions. Not worried about messing things up. Ophie watched with a twitching nose, eyes gleaming in anticipation.

"Oh um, yes please." Did she really have to ask?

It was a feast fit for a king, or queen, in this instance. Ophie tried to have some manners, to eat slow and not make a mess but....when good food was right in front of her it was hard to remain civil. Like a flip switched. By the time she was done, she was licking her lips and pleased as a punch. The flavours complimented one another perfectly, lingering in her mouth even as Briar offered her some wine. Why not? Everything else had been scrumptious.

Careful not to spill the cup, Ophie leaned down and took a tentative lick. It was...nice and she liked it well enough, but it wasn't food. For once she was stuffed, might need to be rolled back home.

"Phew. Thank you so much Briar!"Their dad made her eat dried affront to food, honestly. "And to Lia too, since she must have taught you so well!"

Worst part about eating so made her sleepy. Real sleepy. Unable to stop herself she let out a big and long yawn, all tooth and flicking tongue.

"You sound so busy all the time, doesn't that tire you out?" Ophie couldn't be queen, that's for sure.

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