
tussle in the wind


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
06-09-2022, 02:10 PM

Restless was an understatement for the mountainous woman. Typically, with the sudden drop in temperature after a long, sweltering day of summer heat, Tenshi would have appreciated and welcomed the chilly air. Yet, just as she was about to fall asleep, her lids heavy with sleep, a gust of wind brushing against her side caused her to startle. Lifting her chin from her paws, she listened to the howling barrage sweeping through the bamboo. It was almost the sound the wind made up in the mountains of her home. The constant sound that whipped between snow-capped peaks and battered the entrance to dens had been something she once used to settle pups to sleep. Now, with her eyes wide and heart racing, she wished it would stop. Anything that reminded her of home forced the sense of dread and resentment back into her heart.

Attempting to lull herself back, it was no use. Even as she tried to shove leaves into her ears, nothing worked. After minutes of tossing and turning, the marbled fae rose to her paws and forged ahead toward the training circle. If she could tire herself out until she couldn't stand anymore, possibly she would be able to sleep. Her paws danced across the floor as dust swirled up around her in mini cyclones. The wind shoved against her, threatening to toss her off balance as her limbs held her steady. With the slapping of bamboo stalks against each other, she had missed the approach of the Kaicho. Upon his entrance, she felt the stare of his glowing silver gaze before the words left his lips.

Pausing her movements to face him with chin high, she assessed him first. There was his own sense of restlessness about him that made her wonder why he couldn't drift off to the realm of sleep. Possibly it was the qualms of whether or not the maze and the bay would survive the storm. Not much either of them could do now so his request to spar seemed as good of an offer as any. "Would you like the honors?" She left herself open to his decision of whether he'd like to move first or not.

WC 579/1500