
Go Forth And Have No Fear

Elysium Pack Expansion Navigation


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-09-2022, 03:04 PM

Manea had called for Ricin and relayed his first real test as the pack’s Rimor; lead the exploration of the lake that borders the pack’s lands for possible expansion with herself, her daughter and his brother. Of course, the blue painted boy had eagerly agreed and rushed off to gather a few supplies and his brother. Excitedly Ry had told Ny of the task laid out and confided how nervous he felt. Chade had soothed his worry and the pair had rejoined Manea and her daughter. The lighter boy had taken the spot at the head of the group quickly struck out to the neighboring land.

Snow covers everything, making some of the more notable landmarks as the white substance balnkets the land. It hasn’t snowed for a couple days and tracks of various animals can be seen in overturned powder. They continue on, the boy leading the group toward the lake. Near the water’s edge are frozen cattails and iced over reeds. They rub together every time the wind blows, making sweet music for the explores and, while the land is wrapped in the frozen grasp of winter, Ricin finds there is still much to see.

On the snow-dusted pebbles of the lake shore, Ricin calls for a halt while he carefully examines the iced over lake. Memories of the sibling they lost while playing on ice tugs at the boy’s mind but he pushes them aside, knowing that much has changed since then. Turning to look at the group, he offers them all a bright smile and clears his throat before saying, “It might not seem like much right now but this lake has fish! The ice is thick enough for us to walk on if everyone feels up to going out there. You can see the various aquatic animals that live underneath ad it also offers a great view of the whole territory. What do you say?”

Nervousness flutters in the boy’s chest as he hopes that he doing this right. This is a big task and he needs to get it right. Ruby eyes slide over to the darker form of his brother and Ricin offers him a happy smile that is tinged with uncertainty.

"Ricin Dauner"