
Fresh meat a la moose

Saracyn, Poe, Naraca



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-09-2022, 11:11 PM

Chade felt incredibly honored to be leading a group hunt.  He had spent a good bit of time watching the land they intended to take, hoping to get some prey on it truly worthwhile for a large-sized group to hunt.  The water certainly did attract enough prey but he hadn’t found what he wanted yet.  After some patience and restless waiting his patience paid off.  He had caught the scent of a male moose and moved farther off to call for the others to join him on the border of firefly lake.  Moose was a prey animal Chade wouldn’t choose to take on alone and if done wrong could land a wolf some solid injuries that were nothing to laugh at.

The unfortunate part of all this was who would be in his group hunt.  Well, today was about being professional and working as a team even if one was nothing but a red demon.  It was frustrating that the one wolf he didn’t get along with had to Manea and Alastor’s child.  Once the group had shown up Chade’s thrill of being a leader in a hunt washed away reservations about dealing with Saracyn.

When the wolves were gathered Chade announced, “A moose has come to visit our future plot of land.  It will be a great amount of meat as well as an excellent experience for working as a team.  Hopefully, the moose will simply run and we can bring it down similar as we do the likes of the reindeer but it might turn to fight so need to be ready for both.”  Hunting was the easy part of all of this.  Chade attempted to make sure his voice rang with confidence and not just a young wolf offering up a reckless strategy.  He needed them to trust his words and insight.

“We’ll run up on the moose with two wolves on either side of it.  Poe and Naraca will be towards the back.  Don’t get directly behind the legs at any point but stay to the side on the back legs, nip if that’s all you can do but if you get a solid bite in that will be great.  You’ll be helping to make sure it would rather run than turn to fight.” In a way, Chade would love to fight it but this was a hunt and he wanted to keep it as such. “Saracyn and I will be near its front shoulders, keeping it between us.”  Chade considered the red wolf a moment before adding, “when the moment is good I’ll aim a bite to its shoulder, shove myself into its path, I’ll make sure it gets into your path so you can get a solid fast bite into its neck.”  

Chade looked between the wolves, “It’s a kill to be proud of, but remember to be on guard so that no one gets hurt.  Any questions or concerns?”  He’d let Saracyn get the kill and even help set it up for the other wolf.  Animosity had no place in the teamwork of a hunt.


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