
Trip And I Fall




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
06-09-2022, 09:46 PM
Relm really didn't think twice when she offered the kill to Manea. There was thought in there but she wasn't going over options in her head and second guessing herself. She wasn't really weird or anxious with the way Manea handled their prey, it was nothing new to her. Relm didn't mind at all. Manea's wicked response didn't make her uncomfortable or queasy at all. She held straight the entire time.

When Manea really had a good grip on it and the life of the elk was withering away was when Relm released the hold she had on it. Yes her time with Alastor had been on her mind since the trek out here, but no she was not having any familiar urges when she gave Manea the kill. The thought of being with Manea... had not crossed her mind even once. And once Manea reached forward and licked at her lips Relm was immediately struck into shock. She said nothing, she did nothing. But by the time Manea was turning back around to face her, Relm was able to get her focus back down on the cow under them.

She nearly acted like nothing had happened. Her paws moving over the elk to get it into a better position for transport. She was still in some sort of mellow shock, she had no idea how to react. When Manea spoke, her eyes glanced towards her but turned back down towards the elk. Her paw pet carefully over it's shoulder as she went to respond because, yeah she was a little uncomfortable. Not completely disgusted or anything though. She did have some sort of... expectation for herself. She needed Manea to like her so that she could still be with Alastor. She'd never react so outwardly towards Manea. "I figured you'd enjoy it more. I may have been comparing you to Alastor." She was honest, she specifically gave the prey's vulnerable parts to Manea for this specific reason. Very simply because she knew Alastor would have enjoyed taking the kill. And she figured Manea would be just the same.
