
this is for the second chance



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
06-10-2022, 10:03 PM
"speech/hover for translations"
For quite some time, Isara quietly followed the large black male deeper into the woods. She had no idea where he was leading her, nor if he really was a good wolf to follow either. But he had seemed at least a better option than the other wolf they had dealt with earlier. Brief memories of the other male’s voice trying to command her flashed around her before she shook her head to clear them away. Once she had done so, she started looking around at the scenery surrounding them.

With pure awe her eyes grew wide at all the trees and how tall they were - though she yet did not know them as trees but rather just weird shaped tall rocks. She also noted the paths of water that seemed to sprawl around them. Some of them were covered in some sort of hard covering while others were not. Some even had living creatures within them still wriggling around within the water. She even paused to watch one of the creatures for a moment before realizing that her guide and guardian was getting further away than she would have liked so she quickly scampered back to a reasonable distance.

Or at least…she would have if she had still paid attention.

Instead, at the last moment a creature jumped out of the water and drew her attention away from Ardyn. Before she even knew he had stopped moving she completely ran into him, bumping into his hindlegs before falling backwards onto her butt as a result.

“Chomouda yu hod op?” her voice meekly asked, confused since she had no clue where they were or what his intentions were. She quickly took a glance around, but nothing really seemed all that different from where they had first met other than there were more of the weird tall rocks and there wasn’t another wolf besides him and her. Just what was he planning to do?

!!!Isara's native tongue is that of Trigedasleng!!!
Trigedasleng is based off of phonetic english/english slang. Feel free to have your character infer/realize what certain words mean if you'd like!
Powerplay that does not result in major injury or death is okay. Otherwise please ask.