
Take Two



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-13-2022, 12:22 AM

As he had come to expect from his short experience with the Armada alpha, Azure did not beat around the bush. He came right to the point of this conversation, that being his mate's remark during the wedding ceremony. The Carpathian's expression remained measured and impassive, studying Azure's expression while the other man spoke, taking in every word and letting him say his piece. One thing he could agree with the Fatalis wolf right away was the fact that they didn't know each other well. Whether by circumstance or by design, he had very little interaction or knowledge of his fellow alpha beyond the two times he had seen Azure and what he heard from word of mouth. Suffice to say, this had not been a good reflection of the company he chose to keep, nor on his image as someone responsible for those in his charge. Artorias was not foolish enough to damn a leader for all the faults of those under their banner, but he did when those behaving poorly were as close to the Champion as Hanako was, and this certainly did not do well to paint that branch of Fatalis family tree in a favorable light nor encourage confidence in their future dealings as allies when Sirius stepped down as Warlord. In essence, he had invited the family into his home to celebrate the occasion and she had disrespected both him and his now wife—her sister-in-law—amongst a crowd of their families. Bold, he had to admit, but utterly stupid.

Azure extended his apologies on Hanako's behalf, an act that surprised Artorias, and it showed readily on his features. The mighty and proud Azure apologizing? From what he'd seen and heard of the Fatalis man from other alphas, that was very uncharacteristic of him. This rare glimpse of a tactful leader was not taken for granted, and Artorias made sure he was giving Azure his undivided attention when his peer began to elucidate on Hana's upbringing. It was hard for the Aegis to not feel as if Azure was using this as a means of explaining away his mate's poor tact and behavior, but he held his tongue to let Azure say all he wanted to say. The woman believed she would be bought, mated, and bred by a highborn lord. Artorias quirked a brow and tried not to smirk. It seemed like that had indeed come true, as the way Azure spoke of his mate held little in the way of love and affection, even referring to her like a possession that "belonged to him". Perhaps all he'd heard of Azure had been true... and if they were, he truly feared for the future of the Armada under the rule of an emotionless sociopath.

Throughout the conversation, Artorias had not looked away from Azure once. He read the other wolf's body language, noted the way he looked about in ways to avert eye contact, observed the obvious discomfort he felt. It was a sentiment Artorias felt as well, as he still hadn't decided how he felt about the Armadan alpha. Azure reassured him that while he might want to defend Briar, she had grown up with Hanako in her life and knew what she was like, then concluded by taking more of the blame by fostering her need for validation and affection by spoiling her. Azure's apology was somewhat gutted when the Fatalis wolf bid Artorias take a step back from the "perceived slight" and to understand Hanako's position, calling into the fact that they were family now. "How I was raised, family doesn't even consider making comments like that about other family," he retorted quickly, putting a stop to Azure's attempt at an emotional appeal dead in its tracks before he could let it irk him more than it already had. When it appeared Azure had finished speaking, Artorias took the time to speak his mind as well.

"I appreciate you recognizing the misstep your mate made and taking the initiative to apologize." Artorias acknowledged that this was rare form for Azure Fatalis and he would not look a gift horse in the mouth. The apology had been all he'd wanted, and holding grudges was not something he enjoyed doing, especially with those he considered allies. "Whether they were intended for your ears alone or the whole world to hear matters little. What matters is that she said what she said, about your own sister at her own wedding no less. Bridges have been burned for less insulting things before, and considering she's the Armada's diplomat, that's a serious concern." The Aegis had no intentions of dissolving the Hallows' alliance with the Armada, but he was making a point to his fellow alpha. A snide comment, whether said in jest or sincerity, had been made against some very powerful and influential wolves. Were he a more hotheaded or temperamental wolf, this could have gone much worse.

Artorias breathed a heavy sigh and shook his head. The few drinks he'd had at the reception were definitely not beneficial to this degree of deep discussion, but it was one that needed to be hard, regardless of if he was sober or not. "I accept your apology, Azure. I don't blame you or hold animosity for you because of the actions of someone else." There was a pause as the Aegis' fire-blazoned eyes met with the cool and hardened blue of the Armada Champion's, his expression steeling into a more severe stare. Unlike Azure, Artorias had no issue wearing his emotions on his sleeve to get his point across. "I can't help but notice that you used more breath making excuses for Hanako and defending her than you did anything else. And then you ask me to step back from Briar's defense since she... what, knows this is who Hanako is? As if that makes it okay or excuses it? That's a pitiful rationale and I think you know that too." Azure's defense of Hanako's behavior did make him wonder though... If they hadn't been caught, would Azure have done anything? Would he have reprimanded Hanako or told Artorias and Briar and made his apologies as well? How strong was the Fatalis wolf's integrity to his family as opposed to his loyalty to his mate? Artorias didn't know if he believed Azure would have done the right thing. Hell, given Azure's own comments now, he didn't know if Azure even knew what the right thing was, or integrity for that matter.

"I'm not going to jump to Briar's defense, because Briar is a strong and spirited woman who is more than capable of defending herself. I haven't told her about what your mate said about her though, because that has no place here today. If you wish to tell her what Hana said, you are free to do so. I'm not going to pass judgment or kick you and your family out for Hana's words whether you do or not. It's not my place, nor in my desires to do so. However, if you truly feel we are family and want anything positive between us, between our families and our packs, permit me to give you one bit of advice—remember that we are family by choice. We are not obligated to like nor care for one another." Artorias took a single step closer to Azure; he was sure the Fatalis prince was considered fearsome and intimidating to many, but he didn't feel threatened by the other wolf. Neither wolf had reason to fear the other. Fire opal eyes searched Azure's gaze for any signs of emotion, anything he could get a read on that might give him hope that the future Warlord wasn't some manipulative sociopath just going through the motions of humility. "I respect you, Azure. You stepped up to try and rally the packs during the Long Night, you're a competent leader, and you were man enough to apologize instead of pretending nothing had happened. I want to like you and think of us as family, maybe even as brothers someday. But don't ever presume to use the family angle on me again, especially in defense of someone making any sort of step against someone I love." Though he didn't say it aloud, Artorias seriously doubted that familial ties would have Azure showing mercy to someone who insulted Hanako.

Artorias closed his jaws, much like Azure had when he finished speaking. He didn't hold animosity against Azure or Hanako, and he wanted to let the whole mess go, but he wasn't going to appear to be soft and yielding simply because Azure had asked him to be. He would do this for Briar, to keep the peace between their families and not sour the mood of the day. He did this in hopes that he and Azure could continue to foster a kinship. But he would not set the precedent that he would be manipulated by his strong love for family. Now it was his turn to allow Azure to respond, to either continue their discussions or to let the matter be and let them both walk away to continue about their evenings.

"Artorias" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.