
Cool it Joe

Optional fight training, with a reward



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-11-2022, 10:11 PM

Eraithus heart swelled when he saw that the first to arrive was Widow. She was growing into nearly her full size now and even stood over him. Yet she still held it seemed that lithe of youth and if his memory recalled she had done well in the raid. Had it been an actual fight he would have been more humiliated but it was on him for entering a battle when he had a cough. In his head, he cursed his health, perhaps he could speak to a healer about herbs for strength. He never wanted to get sick like before the eternal night ever again. Letting his fears ebb he watched as Medusa appeared Eraithus cool expression gave nothing away. He remembered her punishment day, though it seemed since then she had been a well behaved Habari member whatever that meant to the Se'rim. He had been low on the chain once, but never that low. Yet if she wanted to learn then he was willing to teach, perhaps in a sense she was attempting to redeem herself.

Lastly ghoul showed up, again a sense of joy filled him another one of Recluse's litter showing active interest in the pack even when it wasn't required? As the aging boy's voice slightly cracked in its deepened state Eraithus nodded his head. "Yes Ghoul, just a small training exercise to finish off what we know and can learn." He shifted on his paws letting the antlers around his shoulder settled a bit. These were his prize possessions currently with the antlers he felt like he truely belonged in this strange land he hadn't been born into. "Thank you all for coming, Medusa I'll be sure to note your attendance to Recluse." he only felt it right his mate knew what their members were up to, though he didn't know how she felt about Medusa but it wasn't his concern currently.

"We all know that the mock raid happened not too long ago but there is never such a thing as too much training. Training builds your muscles, your memory, and creates bonding opportunities with your packmates. Today we are going to hold a two on two session. I'll be giving either team a choice to have a handicap but we will not be telling what it is. Blindness, injury, get creative. At the end of our session each team will guess what the handicap was. Winners will get boasting rights and if you wish I can hunt down a nice meal. Either way." He nodded his head, waiting for a moment for the wolves to process his words. "Since there's three of you, I will also participate but I won't use my antlers to make it fair. The teams will be Ghoul and Medusa, Me and Widow. Take a few minutes to discuss between the two of you what your handicap will be. Once decided come back and we'll get started." with that he beckoned to Widow with his tail.

"Since I'm teaching, I'd like to hear what you think our handicap should be." he kept his voice low, the blue man making himself comfortable. It was important for a young wolf to voice their opinion anyway. He'd always tried to make them comfortable after all he knew both he and Recluse valued her children's independence. To think for themselves.

ooc: due date for second round is 6/19/22 ! You are required to come up with a handicap if you wish discord or private message each other to make it more fun! I don't mind if we play the secret handicap game and try to guess or if you simply want to have it for rp sake and have it in your posts.

Eraithus has a permanant bend in his tail, giving it a crooked appearance. Some of his art does not depict this.
he has a female snowy owl by the name kespie, it is assumed shes around regardless of mention.