
Excitement and Awe


10-06-2013, 09:10 PM

The tyke had been banished from the tight confines of his mother?s womb only to be forcibly held captive in a slightly more spacious area accompanied by his darling siblings, forbidden to stray far the den that had been chosen by his sire. Vaguely did the minuscule titan recall his former place of residency nor did he care for the importance of the events that had initiated it, simply aware to the fact that his mother had been stripped of her crown and authoritative status and that he and his siblings, in turn, had lost their titles as blood-bound heirs. Now that they had been relocated to a more tolerable climate and into a pack beneath the supremacy of a russet wench who appeared far more unimpressive even than his own mother, he was naught but a mere plebeian, doomed to submit to canines he believed were lesser than he. But such gruesome endeavors were ephemeral, for the child was set in his belief that, in due time, either he or his mother would forcibly steal back the throne of Amenti and regain their prestige that had been obliterated as a result of another?s incompetence. All that was left to do was wait for the perfect moment, if it ever passed at all.

Both parents had vacated the premises of the den the tyke and his siblings resided in, leaving them all unguarded and granting them with the opportunity to leave the safety of their haven on their own will. Despite his vulnerability and unfamiliarity with the land surrounding the den, the child had immediately pushed past his siblings and into the cruel and foreboding world on his own, pointedly fleeing his sanctuary on a solo journey about the land claimed by the celestial wretch, generally unimpressed with his surroundings although there were so many new sights and experiences presented to him. Rather than observe the landscape of Ludicael?s domain as he suspected his siblings would, the brutish tyke had concerned himself with encountering the locals who shared the tropical realm, desiring to establish his dominance over them so as to prove his worth and capabilities. So youthful was the babe, and yet, his ambitions were already solidified in his mind, ready to be acted upon at any fleeting moment.

A grin tweaked the edges of his velveteen lips as the scent of another crossed his makeshift path, deep cerulean eyes flicking about the crowded landscape as he searched for the creator to the rancid stench, shadows playing across his vision beneath the moon-lit sky. Curiosity rather than intimidation struck the child, and he found his underdeveloped limbs propelling him in the direction the aroma had emanated from, skull and tail ascended high above the remainder of his spinal column out of sheer pride as he sauntered. The soothing sound of trickling water graced the atmosphere as the scent intensified and, in moments, the silhouetted form of another canine greeted his pupils, petite and unimpressive in stature, lingering by the water?s edge. The brutish titan disregarded the beauty of the luminescent liquid in favor of the creature, approaching its rear with confidence, only slowing in his stride as he realized that the whelp was no stranger, but rather his own sister. The amusement that had manifested upon his countenance dissipated then, contorting into a slight frown before the male pursued his sibling once more, intending to bump his hips against her rump so as to alert her to his presence before his snarky vocals ever did. ??F only you were this pretty, Cally,? the tyke drawled with feigned sorrow, a sigh spewing from his unhinged jaws as he halted near the sable brat, deep cerulean eyes darting to greet her frosted gaze. ?Maybe mama would love you then.?