
Pit Stop to Hell's Gates



10 Years
10-06-2013, 09:17 PM

Odette was once again out on her own, facing the big world she planned to take over as her own one day. Her parents were nowhere to be seen, nor were her favorite siblings to accompany her. The Gargoyle mini-me was alone, going stag as she wandered from the familiar den she had called home since birth. A small ball of irritation and frustration was building up inside, something that shouldn't have been happening to a pup that was six months old. She had a lifetime ahead of her to be mad at the world. It didn't mean that it should be happening at that moment in time.
The usual playful pup was getting tired of not having her family around. She was the kind of person whom adored the security of family members. To know that they would be there for her if the world seemed to be too much for her shoulders to bare. Alas, the idea she had for that type of reliance was not there and it drove her nuts. So, on this particular day, she was mad at the world for not having her family there.
Her paws had somehow carried her farther North than she intended, but at this point, she could care less. She was so aggravated that she didn't pay attention to the warmth that spread beneath her mitts the closer she got to the geysers. If it wasn't the warmth, then it was the noise of the water beneath the surface that drew her out of her spell. Odette's red and blue eyes immediately looked up and she realized she was in the wrong place. She backed up and made it to the safety of a nearby tree as the water sprung up from the ground, forming a small whale spout before cascading into the earth again. She had never seen such a thing in her life, but her curiosity was redirected by a howl.
It wasn't too far off from where she stood and she cautiously walked around the tree to avoid getting close to the geyser to approach the unfamiliar wolf. His scent hit her nose and she could detect the faint smell of iron that seeped from blood. Odette's nose wrinkled at the scent and she sensed another bit of the male's personal hormonal smell that was familiar. It reminded her of Papa, of his scent that she surrounded herself with each morning. That is, she had been until he wasn't there anymore.
Sadness swept over the young one, but she took a deep breath and strutted over to the dark male. If he smelled like Gargoyle, then he was related somewhat. He appeared to be wrapped up in his own thoughts, so she politely stopped a few feet from him and said, "HEY!" Bi-colored eyes gleamed in anticipation as she waited for his response.

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