
Don't play with the misfit toys



06-12-2022, 03:13 PM
The Boogeyman is coming;
Keep your head down, go to sleep!; the distant sound of claws against metal made the monster's eardrums twitch, the shells of her ears perked up instantly from their relaxed position on her crown. Mismatched jade and amethyst eyes glittered in the darkness as the noise of something big drew closer to her, darkness helping her to stay hidden. The musky scent of a male wafted through the ship with the aid of a draft, making her mouth water and forcing her to snake her pink tongue out to keep from making a slobbery mess on the floor. It had been ages since she had a good meal, something more substantial than the vermin on the ship anyway. She unfurled her massive shape to peel herself from her bed, her paws landing silently on the metal floor as she moved to peer into the darkened hallways where the sound of someone exploring grew closer and closer. She knew it was a wolf by the smell of him, a healthy male; the sound of his claws speaking to his size. The gears in her head began to turn as she wondered what the man would taste like, judging by his scent she figured he would be spicy - not the way peppers are spicy, but the way curry was spicy.

If she had been a creature raised in a happy, healthy home, she would have gone out to greet the man and offer friendly hospitality. Instead, the creature was raised in a less than hospitable abode by monsters and demons. In her birthplace, Hush learned to be the most terrible, the most monstrous, the scariest of the demons she resided with. Thus she remained shrouded in shadow, waiting to strike. Her upbringing did give her a few skills that most didn't possess, having learned to deal with dark minds and appetites and how to stay out of others crosshairs. She was young still, only a year old, but had already earned a nickname she cherished above all others. Baba Yaga is what they called the boogeyman in her home country, to become the thing that most monsters feared was quite a feat, but to become the boogeyman of those shrouded in darkness and insanity at such a young age was another accomplishment entirely. She adopted the name Baba Yaga, and became what others were afraid of. Her true name would never be known to anyone, here she would be known as Hush or Baba Yaga only.

Upon seeing the soft orange glow in the hallway, Hush rose to her full height; unfurling her pale form from the darkness and moving forward to place herself just inside the doorway, silent as a specter. Her paws did not betray her movement, not a single sound was made. She might be confused for a ghost that haunted the belly of the hulking metal beast if not for the whisper of crystalline breath that left her nose in thin wispy sheets. Soon enough, the male cruised past her to give her the first look at the intruder who dared breech her lair's inner sanctum. Holding her breath as he moved passed the doorway, Hush took in the appearance of the man. He was a hulking figure, matching her height but surpassing her in bulk, his muscular form exuding confidence in droves as he peered through the darkness ahead of him. The glow she had spied came from the fiery pits of his eyes, which captivated the curiosity of the dark witch, along with the length of his fangs. Hunger clawed at the pits of her stomach as the handsomely earthen colors of the male moved passed her while she held her breath to not give away her position. Luckily he happened to look at the door across from her, which afforded her an advantage of stealth.

Stepping out behind the male as he sailed passed her with all the confidence of a slowly drifting continent, the ghost moved silently, taking special care to match his paw steps perfectly and keep her nails lifted off the metal floor so she could avoid detection. Keeping several paces between them, Hush followed this new mass of muscle and weaponry with her tail and head held high, her masked face showing a focused expression in the dark. The mismatched jewels of her jade and amethyst gaze glittered with the pale light given by his eyes, and they stayed glued to his bulk, boring into his backside as they walked. Her distance was maintained in case he should turn back suddenly, giving herself some reaction time to duck into a room and stay out of sight.

Word count: 769 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: Peek-a-Boo with Baba Yaga XD