
Go Forth And Have No Fear

Elysium Pack Expansion Navigation


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-12-2022, 04:07 PM

Ricin trots out onto the ice, giving his opinion before moving to rejoin the others closer to the shoreline. Chade brings up a good point about the pack and if relations were to sour and he nods in silent agreement, the optimist in the lighter brother hoping that doesn’t happen. Ruby eyes turn to Avacyn, offering the Mendacium heir a happy smile before turning his attention to Manea. The Matriarch speaks of Abaven and possibly improving the pack’s relationship and Ricin says, “I’ll help in any way I can.” A bright smile is one his lips as Manea hums in thought and, when she speaks of clearing a spot along the edge, the boy’s ruby’s eyes brighten with excitement.

When she asks what they want to see go there, Ricin says, “I think a spot to fish would be great, maybe a covered area to rest under when it hot would be nice as well. Oh, and a bonfire for summer parties!” Happiness is apparent on the lighter boy’s features as he imagines have a night where the pack comes together to play games and tell stories. Ricin quickly switches gears, turning to idea that has tickling the back of his mind. Thoughtfully, the lighter brother says, “You know, that area would also be great for a garden.”

Turning to inspect the plot of land that Manea had pointed out, he lifts a white-toed paw to indicate a flat-ish area off to the side as he explains, “We could build some raised boxes and ask the healers to collect some of the rarer herbs that do not grow nearby. Based on what the plants need to survive, we can group them together in boxes. We might even be able to find a way to use the lake to water them. Like dig trenches or something to keep a constant, steady flow of water to them.” Looking to the others, Ricin offers them a happy wag and bright smile as he listens to their ideas.

"Ricin Dauner"