
Don't play with the misfit toys



06-12-2022, 04:23 PM
Shoosuva Birsha

He had a gut feeling as he wandered in the belly of the beast that he was watched. A smirk came to his face. Either his mass kept them at bay or something else. The monstrosity turned the corner into a dark room, the only light here from his own eyes. The scent amongst the ship was feminine, not that that mattered. As he turned the corner and ducked out of view he let the seal he was carrying drop from his jaws.


A grin came to his face, wide and demented as he walked over his dinner. Two could play this game of silent stalker. He ducked well into the shadows so not even his from would be visible, only his eyes as he came to turn around and face the set of eyes that watched him. This room had no exit except where3 he had come in, but being cornered did not scare him.

This was where he waited, eyes intent and focused on the doorway and his tail swaying behind him. Danger was exuded from him in waves. The locals of his home had dubbed him the Wendigo for a re4ason, if this woman wanted to play he would show her why. His face was blank other than the intense stare he held for the doorway, waiting. Sabers dripped blood from his seal and he had set his trap for her. His head dropped but eyes held the doorway and his hackles raised slightly. Lets see how this one likes to play. His breathing became shallow as he slowed his breathing and heart on purpose, concealing himself from the woman.

She may of made a mistake in following and only watching. He wasn't stupid, but he wasn't something you just crossed for pleasure.

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