
Where Do Your Demons Hide?



10-06-2013, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2013, 09:39 PM by Sevan.)
Her sisters didn't take long to arrive, followed shortly by a white female she had never seen before. Crown turned as she felt Vyvienne brush harshly against her side, fangs aiming to nip at her neck. Lips curled back in a snarl as her own jaws parted, snapping in her sisters direction. Eyes narrowed with distaste, lips remaining curled. The sound of her fathers voice broke her concentration, turning her gaze to mammoth brute. He spoke with frustration as the lack of members that had answered his call. A low growl of displeasure dripped from her jaws. This pack would fall in this war if not for her fathers guidance. Blue and silver eyes flickered to the woman her father address, audits sliding forward to hear her answer.

Lips curled back in a smile as her father addressed them once more. The smile faded as her father stalked towards her, his chest pointed at her right side. Eyes narrowed, waiting to see what he would do. She felt the twist of his neck as he turned his skull to grab her by the scruff. A snarl snuck by her lips, her own crown turning to meet her father. Being so much smaller than him gaze her an advantage. He failed to protect his throat in his attempt to grab her scruff. Growing legs propelled herself upward, jaws unhinging aiming to grab a hold of his throat. Ears lay flat against her skull, eyes still narrowed, the fur along her back and nape bristled.

She had not expected their first lesson to come so quickly, but their father always kept them on their toes, and it was good to learn to expect the unexpected. She had never been taught how to properly fight, only knowing what she had learned wrestling with her sisters when they were younger. But now she would learn, and she refused to fail. She would not be the weakest, she would grow into a powerful woman. And it all started with the possibility of her jaws landing on her fathers throat.