
Pit Stop to Hell's Gates


10-06-2013, 09:43 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

He was standing there in all his glory submerged in his thoughts proceeding his howl. Kairos' ears perked up as he heard a sudden voice offer a greeting. Turning his head slowly to the side to have his purple gaze lay on the young female before him recognition passed through his eyes. A glimemr for a second is all it was,the young one looked familiar indeed. Her eyes were almost that of Aunt Ocena's and her pelt was like Uncle Gargoyle's. Letting out a breath slowly Kairos looked at the girl as his eyes narrowed slightly. She was probably one of the newest litter...she seemed young enough to be so.

"Greetings...cousin..." he said

His salmon tongue would flicker out of his mouth once more to make sure no visible blood was left on his muzzle. Kai knew there was no purpose in trying though; if she was smart she would have already smelled the blood on him. If only she knew who's blood it was.

"Hey listen here little one, have you seen Cross around?" he asked curiously

Now settling down as his mother's side came out Kairos sat down on his haucnhes and turned to face the girl.

"Aren't you a bit far from home? I know that your parents haven't really been around recently...but it's dangerous out here. Or are you lost...if you are I can take you back home real quick, but then I have to continue this way to where I'm going." he said, knowing her home wasn't his anymore.

"My name's Kairos, Kairos Menapache. Only one still in these lands of your Aunt Keki's litter. What's your name cousin?" he would say

Sitting here on his huanches before his cousin Kairos would wonder if she would ask where his mother was. How would he explain where she was? What should he do? What should he say?.....the truth. The truth is what he would say.

It was clear though of what Kai knew, he had killed his mother and he wasn't going to be a coward about it.

Looking at the girl now he wondered if she would be able to bring a message back home to the others if he should continue on his way to find the pretty vixen. Maybe she could tell the others so they could have a burial for his mother. The brute even knew if they were to do so he would travel back here to attend it. The male had almost called it home...but it wasn't his home anymore. As of now Kairos thought that home was wherever Newt was...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"