
Our future home sweet home

Navigtion Expansion thread



3 Years
06-13-2022, 01:25 AM

Kione was thrilled with Chimera’s choice of land to expand to.  Kione couldn’t say he knew all of the terrain yet but he knew the most important part, the falls themselves.  There was a wonderful spot to jump from the top of the falls that was a perfect height, and perfect water depth for a good dive in.  Unfortunately, knowing the falls wasn’t enough to claim a land.  They had to make sure the rest of the terrain was also good land to claim, with no hiding threats or unwanted features to it.

Kione once again had the company of Ruse as they explored, along with two of Fenmyre wolves he hadn’t partnered up with in any travels.  The more the merrier in the wild dog’s mind!  Those accompanying were all young, stuck in that odd age between child and adult.  Kione was protective of any family of course but the younger the wore the more ferocious his need to protect.  Whether or not they were strong fighters in their own right the painted dog took their safety seriously.

While Kione would love to go racing after a bear when he scented one, the dog veered off a bit.  There would be chasing or killing off predators later on and he’d be happy to help then.  They had an assignment for now and would keep the focus strictly on it.  “Looks like we will be having fun later.  Several spots of older bear scents and that last one was really fresh.  Plenty of food all about too.”  Sure, Kione wasn’t a solo hunter but it didn’t take a hunter to scent all the prey options available.

He'd take them about the borders of the falls, work their way inward and finally stop at the falls he loved so much.  “Ample source of fresh water, fish, and one of the best swimming holes you can find.  Plenty of shade from this hot sun as well.  Only problem I’ve seen with it so far is the bears it brings in and that shouldn’t be a hard thing to fix.  I’m not a master of hunting though so might be some thoughts to it I haven’t considered?  Or anything else that might concern any of you?” They were younger but, that didn’t mean they knew less than him about everything.  Kione was enjoying himself but really, that was a normal state for him most days.


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