
Excitement and Awe


10-06-2013, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2013, 10:41 PM by Deteste.)

The man would lay quietly a few meters from the den, observing without objection as the children left the darkness of what they knew. Circe had been first. Emerging from the den long before her siblings but only in a quest to seek her father upon completing it she had curled up beside his hard ribs to return to the darkness of sleep. There she rested, his body somewhat curled around it to ease the hardness of his muscle against her tender flesh. His affect would be relaxed, almost sleepy, but he was alert none the less, only wishing to present an environment of ease for the children who had been forced so soon from their home. Movement was difficult for the young. He had witnessed it's effects on his first litter. But these children were yet young. They may have had their preferences, Amenti being so different from Ludicael, but they were not old enough yet to have built a sense of belonging. For this Deteste was grateful yet he would do everything in his power to return them to Amenti for it was the way of the individual to remember and desire a return to one's roots.

He had noticed little Severus' personality since he had emerged from Medusa's womb. The boy bullied his siblings even in deafness and blindness to sate himself ravenously upon Medusa's teat. Deteste was perhaps worried about what would come from the child but had accepted long ago that there was little a parent could do about such pervasive qualities. He also understood he would be a lucky man for his genes of mental instability to skip the entire litter. The man would do his best for he and his son to accept each other. It was a meager goal but he had no way of knowing, at least yet, how difficult it would be to achieve. His ears would grow erect at the boy's harsh words. Deteste would not reprimand the boy, but devalue the statement in truth. "No Serverus. Not even beauty would cause Medusa to love you children. It is her nature. But it is not mine and I do care for you all." His timbre was gentle and he would lock eyes with the boy for a moment before his gaze would travel to Callisto, unsure what her reaction might be to Serverus' ploy but offering her the comfort of a present and loving parent none the less. The same was offered to Serverus. But Deteste would understand if it were not desired.