
What About Everything?

Aliana <3


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-13-2022, 03:05 AM
Aliana was, of course, in her apothecary study. The clouded queen loved very little more than she did her plants and chemistry, the passion founded by her desire to help others and her time studying it with Siren. Her once modest beginner's garden had flourished and grown into a veritable jungle throughout her study, the walls covered in blooming ivy and a variety of flowers thriving in ceramic pots in the large windowsill. Her cubbies of dried and preserved herbs were filled to the brim, and her fresh garden just outside was also expanding rapidly. She had everything she could ever need, and any herbs she lacked, she knew where to get them from. Hopefully in time, they could cultivate everything on the island so no one would every be without the medicines they needed.

Today, the melodic woman was working on some tonics with those fresh herbs, diluting some lavender down into oil for use in the sleeping aids she crafted for Reila. She had just gotten the oils mixed into the tinctures and was letting them set when the timid voice of one of her sons called out from behind her. Aliana's expression immediately brightened to hear Strix's voice; oh how she loved her six boys with all her heart and soul! "Come on in, darling! I'm by the desk!" she called out to her son, setting down some of the glass vials she'd been preparing. Ali waited until she heard the soft rap of paws on the wooden floor behind her before she glanced over her shoulder to greet Strix. "Hello, Strix, my little sweetheart! How are you-"

Aliana's words died on her tongue when she caught a glimpse of the raw red scratches on Strix's cheek, almost dropping the vial in her paws before she turned in a blur of movement and was suddenly rushing to him. Gentle white paws lifted to carefully manipulate Strix's head, turning it this way and that so she could inspect his injury. "Oh, my sweet baby boy! What happened?!" she asked with a panicked gasp. Someone or something had hurt her child! Ali felt the maternal protective instincts flare up inside her, the usually demure fae feeling anger for the first real time in her life. But more than that, she felt worry and concern. Leaving Strix for just a moment, Ali returned to her desk and began searching for a clean cloth. Once she'd found one, she quickly dabbed the rag with a homemade antiseptic and astringent and hurried back to Strip. "Don't squirm too much, sweetie. This is going to sting a little bit, but it'll get better, okay?" Aliana gently dabbed the damp cloth to Strix's cheek, watching each dab clean the wound more and more.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.