
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-14-2022, 02:33 AM

The golden-coated fae moved nimbly and silently through the pine forest, sniffing about for any signs of her alphess. What she didn't realize was that she was the one actively being stalked and hunted by the very wolf she sought—at least not until it was too late. Manea was upon her in an instant with Irilyth none the wiser. Strong forelegs and large leonine paws were suddenly wrapped around her waist as she was pounced like prey, the diminutive fae gasping aloud as she was pulled back into her Mistress' body by those powerful limbs until sandy fur was mingling with violet. "Ah! Mistress!" Irilyth gasped in surprise as she was hoisted back until she was sitting in Manea's lap, held tightly to the larger fae's body in a delightful way that made her feel so feminine and helpless. It made a twinge start up in her core, that deep-seated gnawing starting up again, though she forced herself to focus for now. She had tracked Manea down for a purpose, after all.

Manea lavished her in affections, feeling her lady's warm breath on her skin while Manea nuzzled the side of her neck, coaxing quiet murrs from the petite woman. Raspberry red eyes slowly vanished behind golden lids while a happy grin made its way over her muzzle, leaning into the Genetrix's affections. Manea was certainly the most passionate and caring master she'd ever served; she treated her with love and protection that bordered on possessiveness, but Irilyth adored it! Truly the violet queen had saved her and improved her life in so many various ways, it would have been impossible to recount them all, but she was grateful for the life Manea had gifted her. Never before had she been so happy as she was when she was with Manea. In fact, Manea felt much more akin to a lover and a confidant than her owner, an attachment Iri had never developed before with any other creature in her lifetime. Only Manea.

Manea asked what she was up to, the way she purred her velvet lyrics out and called her "darling" sending delightful shivers down the littler woman's spine, her tail lashing back and forth excitedly against the softness of Manea's lower belly out of reflex. "I was actually looking for you, Mistress," she replied, leaning her svelte body back into Manea's strong, warm embrace all the more eagerly while she tipped her head upward just a bit to be able to peer up into the Matriarch's brilliant aqua jewels with her own raspberry eyes, giving her a sweet smile while she continued to shiver and squirm as Manea nibbled along her sensitive ears. Dainty gold-furred paws draped over Manea's forelegs around her midsection, stroking from elbow to wrist to give her Ladyship some affections back from her own submissive and captive position.

"I was experimenting with herbs to create a... ah, recreational drug I thought might be fun and beneficial to Elysium. I know that sexual relationships and breeding are a cornerstone to your beliefs, I thought I might find a way to make those carnal pleasures even more fun for the participants." Irilyth gave some pause to let Manea absorb and process her words, her curious eyes watching the alphess' face closely to read her reactions. "I was hoping that maybe you'd permit me to offer you and Master Alastor some as a test sample, so I could see its effects firsthand and know where I need to make adjustments." Irilyth's face started to grow hotter, her blonde ears falling to her sandy crown in shy coyness while she wondered how Manea would take a request to give her and her husband an aphrodisiac and then let the tiny fae observe them while they fucked.
