
Fenmyre Expansion-Fighting



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
06-14-2022, 12:23 PM

Morendo followed behind his father and brothers, taking up the rear as they made their way out to the near by falls. In his continued efforts to make himself focus on learning and training beyond the singing and crafting he worked on with his mother, he had volunteered to come with his father as they went to scout and claim the new territory that his father had his sights set on. He didn't know if there would be any opportunities to practice fighting out here or not, but it was at least worth the effort to show he was trying to his father since he usually kept to himself or just spent time with their mother.

It did look like he was going to get a chance to flex his muscles after all though when the roar of a bear interrupted their movement through the cedar forest. Their father warned them as such and he immediately got into a fighting stance that was getting more familiar to him the longer he practiced, turning toward the sound and preparing to face the angry bear. When it came rushing out of the bushes their father of course met it head on as he fully would have expected his ferocious father to do, but Morendo took the initiative and hurried forward right behind him. He started trying to land bites wherever he could while staying out of the bear's line of sight. On its sides near its belly, on its hind legs, at its butt. He peppered it with hard bites that left bleeding lacerations everywhere he went.

"Morendo Klien"