
Sunshine Healing

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-14-2022, 07:51 PM

It was undeniable that it was difficult to maintain his own positivity and optimism when Syanna was so deep into her own darkness that it was impossible for her to even consider the thought, but she was worth every moment of it. Each second he spent encouraging her, reminding her of what they still had together, telling her how much he loved her... He would do it a million times over if that's what it took. When she told him that this would take time and even then she might never be the same again his smile faltered again, but still lingered in a faint form of its previous brightness. "I know it will... And I don't know how to either, but I have to try," he replied softly, giving her paw another gentle squeeze. As badly as he hoped that one day he'd see that fire in her eyes that looked like she might be able to challenge the world again or the grin on her lips that made him want to sweep her off of her feet and have his way with her again and again... He knew that everything that had happened had altered the course of their lives forever and correcting that course was going to either be difficult or impossible. But he couldn't give up on her. He just couldn't. He would never forgive himself if he didn't.

His ice blue gaze returned to hers as she brought her emerald eyes up to his with her paw resting delicately on his jaw. She asked him if he would still love her if she never healed, if this was how she would be for the rest of her days, and for a moment it was hard for him to answer. Sadness twisted at his gut at the thought, but not because of the idea of him living with her being in this state, but because he didn't want her to go through life feeling like this. All of this was no fault of her own and yet somehow she was left facing and feeling the burden of it and that made him so deeply sad and infuriated for her and frustrated that there wasn't more he could do. He lifted a paw, taking hers from his jaw and tipping his head to gently kiss her soft paw pads. "If loving you and standing by you for better or worse makes me an idiot then I guess I am," he told her with a quiet sincerity.

Ezra gently placed her paw down again and leaned forward to place a gentle, light kiss on her lips. "I know I'm not always the most bright wolf around, I know I'm not the most intellectual or wise. Maybe someone else would think about this more logically or less emotionally at least, but... That's not who I am. It never has been, it never will be. I would rather pour everything into being with you and helping you than to give up on the woman I love and end up in some loveless partnership or alone forever. So... here I am. Your idiot and forever your idiot." He gave her a gentle smile then before looking at her paws for a moment, trying to decide if there was anything else he could say, but for now he didn't think that there was. He had to give her time and so that's what he would do. He turned his attention to the lunch he had laid out for them and pulled it closer, taking some for himself and making sure Syanna had her fill as well, refusing to let her not care for herself in all of this. He had made a commitment to her and he was going to see it through whether she wanted him to or not.

"Syanna & Ezra"