
What hides within?



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
06-14-2022, 09:34 PM

His protective father still wouldn't let him out of the territory to explore on his own, but when the opportunity came up to go out of the pack lands for some real life fighting training with the wolf from Armada that was staying with them he took it. It would get him out and about for a while and give him a chance to put all his training into practice! As he followed Kotori out of Ashen's lands and across the lands that the Armada used to own, he kept his lilac and blue eyes peeled for anything interesting, learning the paths they took to get there so that one day when he was allowed out on his own he could make it back here again.

Walking through the woods he was bought to, he looked around at the long, draping branches of the unusual trees that reached all the way down to the ground around them. He almost missed all the streams that criss crossed between them because of the thick layer of snow, but the ice that covered the water gleamed in the sun and got his attention and once he noticed it they were pretty obvious and he could follow the path of them pretty easily.

His attention was pulled away from the landscape when Kotori nudged him, asking if he could smell it. At first he didn't realize what Kotori was talking about, but after a deep breath of the air around them he scented the large cat in question. His ears perked and he nodded, turning his gaze toward the sound that quickly followed the tiger's scent. He got down into a fighting stance alongside the other male as the tiger approached them, listening as he was asked if he was bold enough to go up against the tiger. He nodded in agreement, tossing Kotori a grin before beginning to sneak away through the long branches of the willow trees to get behind the tiger where he could make his move once the tiger was fully engaged with Kotori.

"Sitri Abraxas-Destruction"