
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-14-2022, 10:19 PM

The way she was able to make Irilyth react as she scooped her up into her lap and held the little fae against her torso made everything she did to her all the more entertaining. As she was looking down at Irilyth, peppering her with little affections with her forelegs wrapped around the golden fae's waist, she gave Irilyth an interested look of surprise when she was told that she was actually the one she had been looking for. Before she could elaborate though, Manea teasingly nipped at Irilyth's ear and told her, "Manea, Irilyth. Call me Manea." She had slowly been starting to break her handmaiden out of the habit of calling her 'Mistress' ever since the day she surprised her with dinner and physical affections up on the cliffs of the island's mountains. Hearing Irilyth moan her name had made her realize how much she liked hearing it from the submissive woman. She had enjoyed being called Mistress as well and perhaps she still would have Irilyth call her that in certain occasions, but she was far more than her handmaiden now and Manea wanted her to behave like it.

With that light scolding out of the way, she listened while Irilyth explained what she had been working on, presenting her with the idea of a recreational drug that that could be fun and beneficial to the pack. That was certainly an interesting concept that she had never considered before. She had certainly had her fair share of alcohol, but she had never really dabbled in any kind of drugs. What Irilyth ended up suggesting was not the kind of drug she would have immediately guessed, instead suggesting that they have something to make sexual and carnal pleasures even more enjoyable. She raised a brow and chuckled at the idea, a grin pulling at her lips as she tipped her head down to catch Irilyth's lips in a soft kiss. "You have my attention," she purred, letting Iriltyh go on to say how she wanted to give her and Alastor a sample and then observe it's effects. Manea quickly caught on to the fact that Irilyth was essentially asking to watch them fuck while on this drug she had concocted.

Manea gave Irilyth a sly, sultry grin, chuckling while her paws started to trace along the smaller fae's stomach, giving her another light kiss before she brought her muzzle to Irilyth's ear again, catching the tender skin between her teeth. "You want to watch your handiwork in action, hm?" she questioned with a sultry purr to her tone, letting her tongue slowly draw across Irilyth's ear. She had never simply had an audience to the things she did with someone else, only ever other participants, so she wasn't sure what to think of the idea. "Hmmm... Well, I'll certainly let you watch a show if you wish... though I can't promise I wouldn't try to pull you in." She grinned and gave Irilyth a little squeeze at the thought. That idea quickly rolled into another and it showed in the heated, lustful gaze that lingered on Irilyth's as she added, "But why wait for Alastor? You know what I'm like with you normally... Why don't you give some to me and I'll just have you instead. Then you can experience the difference first hand."

"Manea Mendacium"