
More Dazzling than the Lights

Avacyn ♡


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-14-2022, 10:49 PM

When he had kissed her, Saracyn felt Avacyn melt into him after the initial surprise and tension wore away, the quiet whines she made for him while they shared that first kiss doing wonderful and tremendously new things to him. He had been so nervous that she would refuse him, reject his advances, but when she began to push back into his lips and body, the heat inside of him grew stronger, a molten core threatening to erupt throughout his veins and nerves. Then their lips broke, and that worry that he'd somehow managed to fuck up their entire relationship came scurrying back into his mind. Sara held his breath while he gazed into his twin's deep obsidian eyes, waiting for the other shoe to drop when he saw the conflict in her eyes. Everything about this moment felt so right, yet he couldn't help but he nervous that he might have done something wrong. What if Avacyn decided she didn't like him kissing her? What if she didn't feel the same intense and inescapable pull he felt tethering his soul to hers? What if he'd misread all the signals and now his sister hated him or found him disgusting?

All of those doubts and fears were quickly smothered and extinguished when he saw and felt Avacyn tilt her muzzle up to catch his lips with her own again, pressing him into another passionate kiss. Now it was Sara's turn to give a muffled sound of surprise that gradually shifting into a throaty groan of delight, bright cobalt eyes drifting closed behind scarlet lids to block out the world while he savored and worshipped Avacyn through their kiss. Immediately he felt those uncertainties and worries burn away as the molten core within him exploded from her kiss, blistering heat and searing fire scorching its way through his bloodstream to every nerve in his body. He felt lightheaded and euphoric, his body tingling all over while he moved his mouth in perfect harmony with Ava's, her lips soft and warm against his as they kissed like they'd been meant to all this time and like they'd done it a million times over already.

When their lips finally parted for a second time, Saracyn was also breathing in short, heavy gasps as well, blue eyes flickering open to find Ava's onyx jewels peering up into his with a little grin on her lips. Sara grinned a small crooked grin back, his eyes shining with an almost dopey expression of joy and excitement while his tail mimicked hers and wagged over the water's surface, smacking the water with a gentle splash from time to time. "Yeah... wow..." he replied in a mumbled whisper, his brain clearly at a loss for words while he let himself sink into the depths of his twin's stunning eyes, only able to grin and lean in to place an equally teasing lick under his twin's chin and over her lips. Avacyn was breathtakingly beautiful, more than any other wolf in the world. He lifted a white paw, his digits gently stroking over the edges of the special glowing mark they both shared, just barely disturbing her bioluminescent fur with his touch. She placed a teasing lick on the end of his nose and Saracyn giggled—the dour, moody boy actually giggled—then brought his paw up the side of Ava's face to stroke and caress one of her white-tipped ears, rolling the velveteen appendage between his paw pads.

Saracyn wanted to kiss Avacyn again—hell, he never wanted to stop kissing Avacyn now!—and get that hot, tingly feeling all over his body again. He wanted to hold her close so there wasn't an inch of space between them, wrap himself around her like they did when they cuddled in bed as pups, feel her warmth and softness while listening to her every breath, taste her lips on his own and feel her racing heartbeat pounding in her chest to mirror his own. "Um... Should we... start heading back?" he asked with an excited smile that betrayed the reasons why he wanted to sneak back into their den in the dead of night. "Or we could, uh... I dunno, find somewhere out here to camp out?" An empty cave or abandoned den they could use to keep each other warm in, exploring this new side of their relationship together until dawn.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
