
boys will be boys

Levi & Basilisk



Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

3 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDerby WinnerBy the skin of my teethPride - AsexualHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
The Ooze Participant
06-15-2022, 10:39 AM
Levi sat and listened, ears forward and eyes alert but lacking the attentive flavour his brother seemed to carry. The need to please, to drink in praise like it was fresh stream water. He wasn't at all surprised or bothered by the fact that their sire addressed Bas first, he'd gotten here before him and he was born ahead of him too. Seemed fair enough, no reason at all to get his tail in a twist. He'd never heard Azure speak at such lengths before, heaping praise onto his largest son before setting his sights on Levi.

Not entirely unexpected, as it was true he didn't put himself out there nearly as much as Bas seemed to do. It wasn't as if he didn't pull his weight, but he supposed he understood the angle the Champion was taking. The emphasis on effort, to try and do more not just because he could, but because he should. Pursing his lips in thought, Levi considered it for a moment. He saw nothing wrong with relying on his innate talent, but at the same time pushing a bit harder wouldn't kill him either. Not out of a sense of obligation or duty to his sire, rather the thought of bettering himself for his own and extended interests was something he was open to doing.

The short of it being: it wouldn't hurt to try.

Returning his attention back to Bas, Azure was quick to point out an aspect of Levi he rarely thought of. His viciousness, the intent behind his teeth and claws. He'd never taken a moment to think about the reasoning, why it was in his nature to fight as he did, but it was apparent Azure wished he could copy and paste aspects of his smallest son and imprint them on his largest. Maybe that's what it was about all along.

If he wanted them to fight to earn a title than so be it. It had been some time coming, a coming of age sort of deal where they finally shed the burden of puppyhood.

"Nothing personal, brother." Though he was starting to see the same clearly couldn't be said for Basilisk. Oh well, another weakness Azure probably ought to set his sights on at some point. His emotional vulnerability. But of course his brother didn't respond, not with words but instead with a looming reach as he attempted to make a grab at him. Predictable.

If Bas' advantages were size and reach, then Levi's were his swiftness and agility. His gaze pinprick sharp as he noted the shift in his muscles, reading the intention as they moved, made to grab him with his massive paws. Dipping aside, he felt a rush of air blow past him with the force of Bas' intended strike. Should he have gotten a hold it would have been difficult to get out, but not impossible. Instead of skittering away to gain distance, Levi simply adjusted the angle of his paws, swivelled back in close as he made to grab the line of his neck, just along the throat. Where blood ran thick and warm. Another issue with their size difference, Levi supposed, even with tucking his head it didn't help much when his opponent's angle of approach was lower than most.

Levi vs Basilisk  for maim (neck scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Tail blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Metal chest piece
Companion 1: Black Vulture, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Black Shiba Inu, Male - Battle
*Companion 3: Jerboa with spiked tail, Male - Battle - Boosted
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Raptor claws - Offensive
Mutation 3: Scruff spines - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Navigator

[Image: dZNVqTH.png]