
Fire and Ice Kleins



Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
06-15-2022, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2022, 01:09 AM by Lackadaisy. Edited 7 times in total.)
OOC Name: Lackadaisy (is throwing her hat into the ring!)

Character Name:
Imp - a lesser demon in European lore (heavy preference)
Pooka - mischievous spirit of good or bad fortune in Celtic lore (semi-heavy)
Hoax - a prank (heavy preference)
Jinx - you're it! (heavy preference)
Trick - misleading action (semi heavy)
Joker - not literacy, but the word (less heavy)
Pyewacket - evil familiar spirit (less heavy)

Father: Noir or Ignis; don't really care!
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

heavy preference, medium preference or less heavy pref
depending on the picked appearance, he will be different than the other. but I will make him Extra Large or Large. Light build.
While I'd love to inherit muties, I do not have the item. He will be mutation-less unless I gain a post-acceptance pass!

A mischievous creature who only cares about himself. Seems to hold himself back from forming attachments, especially with family. Lackadaisical to the core and flickers through life on a whim. Wants to be known for himself and his own deeds, but struggles with getting out from under the Klein name. Finds shelter and safety there, a princeling who is spoiled and bratty to non-family. Two-faced but not malicious, more of a trickster who doesn't know what to do once he's won. It may change with age, but ultimately just a spoiled kid.

At the same time, [NAME] wants to break away and forge his own path. He finds communication in an open and honest manner difficult. He makes up lies and stories to boast himself high, afraid of others and afraid of their opinions. Shrugs off the bullshit and seems outwardly a very casual and leisurely young lad. Not much makes him mad, especially remarks about his family in a negative way. He is a prankster and will put spiders and bugs in bedding if he likes a girl. Practically harmless. Right now, anyway. Responsibilities and burdens may weigh him down as he ages; pressure can lead to meanness.

Frustration leads to lashing out. [NAME] is clever, but gives in to temptation a lot more than he wants to admit. Wiggly and active, cannot seem to sit still. Bursts out, loudly, a lot. Sore loser and whines/bitches when he starts and doesn't win. Holds a nasty grudge with underhanded remarks.

Skills: Fighting (Saboteur or Juggernaut) and Intellect (Bard or Tactician)

Puphood; Really wants to lead Habari one day, and doesn't care how he gets there. Sees his family as competition and isn't very close to them. Tries to butter up adults with what they want to hear; essentially a low-tier sociopath and manipulator. Uses his age to get away with a lot. Will start trouble and sew seeds of distrust in others. Seems to be in good standing with non-family members. May or may not have a little 'gang' of troublemakers.

Young Adult; Will probably mellow with age and experiences. Whether he still wants Habari or not is not known unless plotted. Essentially, he's happy to be able to LEAVE Habari's territory on his own. He may find new experiences in the big wild world.