
silent song


10-07-2013, 07:36 AM

Her world had always been draped in a veil of silence, not a sound having escaped from her now dusty throat. Since her meeting with Taurig and once more finding Aeron she had grown a bit more of a desire to speak, to communicate with those around her. But after everything was said and done the young girl had once more slithered into the shadows of the north, not wanting to bare the harsh winter alone but not wanting to watch her brother wither away or have him watch her do the same. It was their birth season now though without their mother or any other wolf who might have known them at birth her exact birthday was unknown to her. At a year old now she had survived purely by scavenging, sometimes from the kindness of strangers but mostly from waiting until other wolves had taken down a large prey animal and then left it. On occasion Aeron or she would be able to catch something but that was even more rare. Their hunting skills were sorely lacking, having never properly been taught or trained. Though she was getting a bit better... Just in time for winter...

She moved like a ghost in the gloom of the night, a sliver of a moon hanging in the clear sky just enough to outline her slender form as she skirted the edge of the lake. She had been here before, having made the north her home since she had first found her brother here. This is where they usually were, a pair of wayward pups discarded in the snowy wastelands... This was one of her favourite territories other then maybe the submerged woods. Slowly she would turn, heading inwards the centre of the lake. As each paw pressed to the ice it would glow dimly beneath her and as she watched a slow smile eased its way onto her features. Closer to the middle she slowly lay down, enjoying the warm glow of the lights beneath her despite the hard ice she lay one that simply made her colder. She could feel the ice beginning to get slick beneath her, only slightly as her body heat warmed the surface slightly. The young girl waited a short while longer before she began to roll, dampening herself slightly in the process. She had done this a lot in the summer and tonight was probably one of the last mildly warm nights she had to try it out. Once she was coated the girl stood but didn't shake. For a very short time she would glow like the ice, whatever was in the ice and now water in her cost illuminating her figure where she had rubbed it on herself.
