
Keep Your Head Up


10-07-2013, 07:53 AM

The call. Hansel would rise from his resting place and make his way to the call that he assumed summoned those who were within Tortugan lands. He made his way to the meeting, though at this point all manner of playfulness that once graced his personality were long gone. The man had changed, taking on a more purposeful and serious personality since his brief and short meeting with his sister. He had found her, but she could not come with him. Since then, Hansel had found himself at Tortuga's gates greeted by the packs Beta, Newt. He respected her, as they both seemed to have a common enemy. Canttina had made an enemy of them both; him for enslaving his sister, and her for taking the pack that once belonged to the behemoth former queen. The pair had decided to work together, to help each other get stronger so that they could challenge for each their own reason. Though Hansel knew that he would help Newt should she ask for it, and he'd be there to support her just to see the wicked witch fall. And Hansel would hope that Newt would return the same favor and aid him should he need it, though he figured she might accompany him when the time came to challenge for his sister.

He arrived, his gaze sweeping over the gathered wolves. Hansel had not talked to anyone else since Newt accepted him just a short time ago. In fact, he had kept to himself in a den he found not far off, secluded underneath a fallen tree. He was once a vibrant, talkative and playful man...but due to recent events, he changed. With a dip of his head to Taurig, he moved near Newt and greeted her in the same manner, his eyes betraying nothing but the new seriousness he had begun to grow acustomed to. Were things different, he would be a much different person. Always showing some sort of mirth or hot headed defiance in his ever present vibrant blue gaze...but as of late, his vibrance had diminished to nothing more then a steel gaze that he was sure nobody would ever be able to get past. The man would take a seat a few feet from the Beta, and he would simply stare at the ground as he waited for the meeting to start.
