
Fenmyre Expansion-Fighting



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-16-2022, 12:10 AM

Revenant kept close to his father's side while his brothers fell in line behind them, traversing through the aspen forests of their home and down south into the cedar woods they intended to claim for themselves. He glanced back at his brothers: Strix, so small he could easily look over the other boy's head, and Morendo, the softie with the golden pipes who'd rather be singing his little tunes with their mother. He rolled his eyes; they'd really picked a winning team to come out scouting for threats today. Following his sire, Revenant scoured the wild lands, marking hither and tither while they went. He did have to admit, the Cedar Falls was a lovely bit of land. Beautiful, tranquil, a good source for food and water and herbs alike. It made sense that this land would be absorbed into the fold that was the kingdom of Fenmyre.

Just as Revenant was thinking about how peaceful the land was, the distinctly ursine roar that came from close by made his dark ears prick atop his head, his mismatched eyes peering around for any sign of the threat. Chimera warned them that a fight was approaching, and not a minute after that, a massive grizzly burst forth from the shrubbery to square off with the four lupines. Revenant's hackles raised, fur bristling and lips pulled back in a snarl as he leapt to stand beside his father. No way a bear was going to chase them off now; this was Fenmyre territory! Chimera led the charge, and as soon as his sire had engaged and wounded the bear, Revenant and his kin were rushing in to lend aid.

Although tall like his father, Revenant was still a pup, and as such didn't have the defined or trained muscles Chimera did. So while Morendo went for the one side and Strix dipped in and out like an obnoxious fanged hummingbird, Revenant decided to go all in on the bear and try to impress his sire. Running a perimeter around the fight, the Klein prince made his way behind the bear, and then kicking off of the ground, charged and lunged for the bear's back, claws and fangs digging into fat and flesh as he clawed his way up the bear's back, looking to sink his teeth in anywhere he could and be a general nuisance to their foe. He tasted blood the harder he bit, heard the bear roar with each bite he and his family delivered to it. Victory would be theirs!
