
i've come to the realization



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
06-16-2022, 12:28 AM
He hadn't really left her—not immediately, at least. When he'd bid Venom good night and excused himself, Maverick had actually hung around in the dark woods for a minute more, watching to make sure Venom was all right and not in any sort of trouble. He didn't know who the white and brown brute was that had found them at the border, but whoever he was, Venom knew him and knew him well, given how she had settled into his side while they spoke. He couldn't hear what was said, but judging by their relaxed demeanors, he supposed Venom wasn't in any sort of danger. Once he knew she was all right, Maverick had breathed a sigh and trudged his solitary way back several lands over to his camp. Part of him had thought to pack up and move closer to Ashen so he could be right there for Venom—but then he reminded himself that he was nobody to her, and that's why they had to keep sneaking about and maintain a low profile. Just another stranger in a world much too big that she was having a good time with. He was her medicine for her heartache, and medicine, as good as it made you feel, was a temporary thing.

Maverick had trudged his way through the cold and snow all the way back to the Fern Gulley, his camp suddenly seeming much more dreary and lonely and less like home. He scowled, feeling his spirit deflate as he crawled into his den and buried himself beneath his bedding, trying to drown out the world and his own thoughts. Life had been so much simpler before getting mixed up with Venom. He'd had an easy routine to his life. Get up, find an adventure, find some entertainment of the lady, liquid, or herbal variety, go to sleep. Wash, rinse, repeat until he decided to move on. Now look at him... He was lingering, he was thinking things like moving closer to her pack, he was doing crazy shit like planning dates and meetings. What the hell was wrong with him?! This was all wrong. He was a vagabond, a scruffy rouge with no place in a world like hers. Their relationship was built on tiptoeing and sneaking around. It wasn't fair to her. It wasn't fair to him either, but when did he ever give a fuck about what was fair to himself? Life wasn't fair. The end. If he really cared about Venom, then maybe the greatest kindness he could do for her was to disappear.

Just as his dour thoughts were beginning to carry him off into an unsettled sleep, a sound from outside his camp caught his attention. At first he thought it had been his morose mind playing tricks on him, but when her voice called out for him a second time, Maverick rose from his bed with such a start he sent the furs flying. Venom was here. Maverick emerged from the small den in a flash of blue and white, and there she was, standing in the moonlight with her fur shimmering like she was made of diamonds. "Ven?" he asked in surprise, padding through the snow towards her, concern painted on his face. "What are you doing out here? Is everything all right? Are you okay?" Maverick's heart stopped with a jolt when he realized that his words that had come out in a flurry had all been concern for her. The vagabond had never cared for the wellbeing of another that swiftly or readily before. But Venom... dammit, she had a way of getting to him! Still, here she was, standing in the cold and dark in the middle of the night at his camp. He needed to know everything was all right with her.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.