
Why's The Rum Gone?


10-07-2013, 09:06 AM
Swaying on unsteady paws, Jack came upon the Kamui Delta in search of a place that he might one day claim as pack lands. The hardships of winter were coming down on him, and he hated it. Though Jack normally didn't hate much of anything...except when he ran out of his favorite drink that he would make himself. But alas, the ingredients were scarce the moment winter came, and it was driving him to insanity! But alas, he could do nothing about the rugged man would traverse the lands in search of any kind of ingredient to use for his addiction. He had drunk the last of it this morning, which explained his teetering walk...then again, he always walked that way. So it was always hard to tell whether he was sober or drunk. That was the way of Jack Sparrow, and he loved every minute of it!

He came to a stop at the waters edge and would take a big drink. The cold and freezing water would cause him to shut his eyes as the effect of a brain freeze would ensue. Shaking his head vigorously, he would stand there, his body swaying slightly as if he were a stalk of grass in the breeze.