
The Only Rules That Really Matter Are These:


10-07-2013, 09:18 AM
It was high time that the Captain became acquainted with the knowledge of a good fight. Though fair would probably not be in his quota, it would be something to learn. He sauntered across the open lands, hazel eyes flicking to the stains of blood that decorated the earth. He climbed atop a rocky outlook that was held up by a few fallen rocks, and he would let out a howl to ring across the earth. Who so would join the dear Captain for a fight?

He closed his features, and he would wait for his opponent. The rugged man would settle himself onto the rock, crossing his paws as he waited for the excitement that he hoped would follow soon. He had lots of energy and he needed to release it in other ways then courting whores and drinking until he couldn't tell which way was up or down. He came all the way from the Ibis Islands that he claimed as his own, so he would not leave until someone accepted his challenge...else he go looking for an opponent, but that was not his way.