
That One Song From Frozen

Intellect seasonal w/ Ricin


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-17-2022, 09:56 PM

They work to make the base of their snow wolf, paws patting and pressing until they have what somewhat resembles round snowballs. When Ricin places his coat over the pale wolf, she teases him about keeping it which makes the blue boy chuckle as he teases, “Oh you can try! But I don’t think I would have to chase you down to get it back. It would probably trip you up before I could.” He winks to the ghostly wolf before helping Sybil to get the smaller ball on top of his bigger one, the pair carefully maneuvering it uphill. Once done, she asks what the next step is and he offers her a bright grin while saying, “Now we make it look like a wolf! Why don’t you find us four sticks for the legs and I will start making the snowball for its muzzle?”

Once she agrees, Ricin begins making a much smaller ball, pressing it together while gently rolling it around. By the time Sybil returns with the requested items, the blue boy is smooshing the small ball into the middle of their head and smoothing the sides toward the ball. He works to make a rough muzzle shape while looking to the white lady and saying, “We will also need rocks for the ears, eyes, and nostrils. I think I saw some over there…” A white-dipped paw moves to point out the direction before returning to finish the work he had started. When he is satisfied, Ricin steps back to give their work a once over before directing Sybil on where to put the rocks and sticks.

Once it is done, Ricin sits back with a big, happy smile on his lips. Looking to Sybil, he asks, “Well… whatca think?” Blue tail lightly thumps the snow behind him.

WC: Done!

"Ricin Dauner"