
My Love, My Soul, My Heart!


10-07-2013, 09:35 AM
It had been a long and difficult journey, but alas the young man had made it. He traveled far and wide, looking for one thing and one thing only. His heart strings did not allow him to rest easily since she left, and now they seemed to vibrate as if telling him his journey was coming to an end. Jasper panted, steam escaping his jaws as Winter had set in not too long ago. The snow, however, didn't bother him much as his thick pelt did well to repel the cold that would gather onto his fur. He was glad for it, because Jasper didn't really like the cold much if at all. He hated it, and much preferred the effect of spring time. Felt tipped ears would circulate his surroundings as kept all senses open and alert, he had no idea where he was but he knew something was about to happen. He could somehow just feel it.

White paws stepped over a small bush, the large brute coming to a halt as he scented something that blew towards him. Instantly, his heart would pick up in speed and pound like a road runners legs on the ground. His eyes lit up with hope, and he would move faster now towards the scent. He knew it was unmistakeable, it had to be. As he came forth, he would barrel through a wall of foliage, and there she was..."Udosa...?" He would say with some hesitance, as if he couldn't believe it was really her. Would he still be able to remember her scent after all this time? Or was his mind playing tricks on him? He knew it had to be true though, he didn't know anyone else with that pelt...and that much, he had never forgotten.