
Armada Expansion: Fighting

Tea, Dragon, Shelby, Hermes


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-18-2022, 08:10 PM

The tropical wolf smiles warmly when Sirius reaches out to adjust her coat, a soft chuckle rolling out as Keahi teases, “Thanks dad.” It is gentle and, while it is meant in jest, there is still fondness in those words. The Warlord releases his grip and speaks to her which has the red wolf smiling even brighter. She turns as the next wolf approaches and, while they have not officially met, she has heard his name in passing. Luckily, Sirius connects the dots for her when he greets Grimoire and Keahi offers the male a respectful bow of her head before straightening back up. The next wolf that appears bears the same familial markings as Sirius and she can tell that this is one of the Warlord’s daughters.

Kotori has filled her in on his siblings and the tropical wolf knows her as Aris. The Warlord’s daughter casts an appraising look her way and again, Keahi offers a respectful dip of her head. In the end, Aris ignores her and the red woman slowly moves to the side, allowing the leader room to interact with his family. A final wolf, also a sibling of Kotori’s, Gossamer if her memory is correct, appears, skidding to a stop next to her sister. Subtly, Keahi moves a little closer to the outskirts of the group, not wanting to intrude on a family moment as Sirius steps up to give both of his daughter’s a kiss on the cheek. Then it is down to business and her red ears perk up as the tropical wolf looks to the Leader.

Keahi nods in understanding, as he speaks of driving out predator’s and the tropical wolf sits in silence when he leaves space for questions. Then they are off, making their way out along the cove, the tropical woman in her polar bear coat sticking close to the group. They find their predators, a group of coyotes that have staked their claim to the cove. Sirius pairs her with Grimoire and she dips her red head in understand, looking to the taller male before silently peeling away from the group. Working together, they give the pack a wide berth while they move up the left side to hem in the pack. Blue eyes flick toward her companion, silently asking if he is ready before looking out toward the others. Once they are all in place, Keahi races forward, making a ruckus to startle the encroaching pack.

"Keahi Mogotsi"