
You got lucky, kid


10-07-2013, 11:24 AM

Well that was rather blunt of him. The blue-eyed sprinter jerked as though he'd been stricken, offering Sebastian a look of mottled affront. What could he have possibly done to earn such dislike? Surely the nickname wasn't the worst he'd heard before right? "If you don't even like me then why are you bothering me?" He grumbled sullenly as his irritation dissolved into unhappiness for the poor circumstances he found himself in. Worse still, he knew he shouldn't respond to the wild hound's acerbic words. They were only meant to get a rise out of them, thriving on his pain, anger, or whatever reaction he showed. But those words still hurt, even if they were from a stranger he didn't know.

Roy visibly flinched as the conversation tapered off to the subject of his mother and his eyes vividly flashed with pain as memories surged, unbidden and no less cruel than Sebastian's desire to poke fun at his missing parent. "It's not funny!" He flared, a snarl creasing the once joyful visage as he squared off before the larger male. His mother had been the center of his world, his everything. When she had passed away it felt as though his whole world seemed to lurch to a halt. Despite his brothers and sister sharing in his grief the hole where her presence had existed remained, a scarred over wound that he tried not to think about.

And Sebastian had the nerve to mock him for him?!

"Guys like you are such tools! What? You got a limp dick and no lady with half a brain wants you so you pick on anyone smaller than you to get your kicks!?" God he was angry. When was the last time he'd felt like this? Honestly, he couldn't remember nor did he believe he'd ever experience rage like this. It was dark and consuming, it felt good. And that scared him.

Fury burned in his eyes or maybe it was tears collecting that brought the searing sensation, either way Royale was livid. "Sod off would ya? Your ruining my dinner." Even though the thought of food appalled him at the moment and his hare looked less than appetizing.
