
Armada Expansion: Navigation


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-21-2022, 04:57 PM

Keahi bows her head in respect as the Queen tasks her with measuring the tides and says, “It will be my pleasure.” A small, warm smile is given to Zee before the red wolf carefully listens to what the others have to say. Red eyebrows raise as Kotori points out the smoothed area of sand that Wren suggested as a walrus. Red head bobs in understanding, trusting the experienced hunter’s knowledge in this matter. The tropical girl has traveled the oceans, the first two years of her life were spent finding and mapping islands with her family. But they usually stayed in warmer waters and a walrus was a rare sight for her. She offers the masterful hunter a polite bow of her head while suggesting, “You are correct, Wren. A wall will help to keep them out. May I suggest, stacking stones high enough to keep the predators out but easy enough for us cross. A removable ramp might also be useful.”

Looking to Kotori, Keahi says, “The caves would be a good place for tired predators to hide so it is a good idea to periodically check the caves in the coming weeks and chase off any creatures that try to return to them.” Another small smile before the red woman addresses Zee, “I would like to suggest wooden stakes near the water’s edge. Maybe Wren can track when the creatures are the most active and, based at where the tide is at, we drive the stakes in at that spot. It might deter them from coming to the beach. After they learn not to come here, we can remove them and just have patrols keep an eye out.” Blue eyes move to the water, watching the endless, pushing and pulling that makes the waves so beautiful. The black sand glistens from where the water has crashed against before receding, making it appear as if they are millions of tiny black diamonds ready to be scooped up.

A thought occurs and Keahi looks out over the beach toward the rocky walls that shelter the cove as she says, “Once we are certain that there are no predators here, one of the caves might be a good place to keep food cool.” She looks to the group to see if they approve of this idea.

"Keahi Mogotsi"