
frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-22-2022, 12:32 AM
OoC:: I know I originally didn't want to post without a table but... >.> I haven't finished his arts and am too lazy to code the lineart version for now soooo here we go!

Winter had come, and as Beauregard had promised his family when he was young, within the season of cold, ice, and snow the yearling had found himself in the land of strangers. The chill bothered the boy little, his thick coat ruffled up against the winds, and the call of adventure drove him on. He had, in truth, passed by several lands since his birth season of autumn, but only now was he starting to feel like this could be the land to settle himself down within. He knew nothing of their ways, their cultures, their religions, but he would learn it all in the name of the Ravenwood family.

Like his elders before him, Beauregard left his homeland when he was a season old on a pilgrimage of sorts. A journey of self that could very well keep him away from his family forever. But Beau was not sad, nor did he long for the comfort of his parents. He was wide-eyed and eager to take on the world, to see what secrets she had to share and what opportunities were to be had.

As Beau made his way across the dry landscape his pale blue gaze searched the horizon. Above him, his feathered companion, a blue jay who had been with him since his birth, made her way in the skies. He was grateful for her; Trill had always been there for him providing an extra set of eyes and helpful insight as they grew together.

“Hey, Beau,” Trill called suddenly from above. “Look ahead, my friend.”

Beauregard focused his attention before him, seeing the figure that was growing closer with each step. His black-furred ears flicked forward curiously and his step took on a more cautious, respectful approach. The brunette woman appeared to be older than he was though not much beyond reaching her adult status. She was shorter too but Beauregard knew judging someone by their size was less than wise… his own aunt had been a wee little thing and spitfire at that.

Leather-wrapped limbs brought him closer to her until he stood roughly four or so wolf lengths away. He lifted his head slightly, curiosity in his pale blue gaze as his head shifted towards the right. He drew in her scent and realized there were others mingling with her own; a pack wolf. Then, after a moment to seize her up, Beauregard opened his maw to speak.

“Greetings, stranger.” Beauregard rumbled in common tongue. “You stand with purpose,” He noticed. “Are you by chance in hope of a spar?” Even as the words left his lips Beau could feel his body tingling with anticipation. He had not had the chance to have a friendly go at anyone outside his own kin and the idea thrilled him. His tone betrayed his naivety and his expression was one of excitement and a smile.

Could this first encounter in this land become not only his first spar but his first friend as well?

Beauregard vs Wren for Spar
Round 0/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Curved blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather arm wraps
Companion 1: BlueJay, Female - Perception
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual