
The Only Rules That Really Matter Are These:


10-07-2013, 12:26 PM
Jack Sparrow? That was a rather stupid name he thought. "So it begins." He grinned and moved so that he was square on to the male, or should he say mister Jack Sparrow. He flattened his ears against his skull. Tucked his chin down to prevent him from gaining access to his jugular. He distrubuted his weight evenly between his paws to provide the best balance. Muscles rippled beneath his midnight fur. Eyes narrowed and focused only on his opponent, he was ready for this fight. He dug his feet into the ground for better traction. He raised his hackles and bent his knees. He looked at his opponent. He would try to pounce to the left and then throw himself into the male's side, aiming to wind and off-balance Jack. He was very confident. He was not too angry today. BUt he always loved a fight. He would not turn one down.

Round : 1/4
Defenses : Ears pinned against skull, Chin tucked to stop access to throat, weight distrubuted evenly for balance, eyes narrowed focused on Jack, feet dug into ground for traction, hackles raised
Attacks: Attempts to slam into left side, aiming to wind and off balance.
Injuries: N/A
Note: The round number was edited with Aislyn's permission