
Simple Wanderings

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-07-2013, 01:09 PM
We're not afraid of the fast times

These days have opened up my eyes

The titan was alone at least for the time being; Liet was sleeping where she had left her. Simply Zodiac knew she had little to worry over then again some time alone was always a good thing. Those deep set sapphires glanced at the boulders she passed quite being massive in overall size and what was more proving to be ideal vantage points if only she was interested in such a thing. A all too knowing huger clawed at her her insides as that stomach gave a note able rumble demanding food; Zodiac had been giving up the food she had caught for them to her adopted sibling for she knew Liet wouldn't eat unless Zodiac made sure of it. Sighing briefly that nose rose testing the wind perhaps she could find something here to hunt and fill that growling belly of hers; a disincentive scent caught her attention a deer or rather a herd seemed to be in the area.

Carefully Zodiac would pick her way between the boulders remaining hidden as she drew closer and closer to the herd of which she smelled yet did not see; relying on that sense of smell over her sight. It brought back memories, ones that were painful and best forgotten. As she got closer the warrior paused as she peered past a boulder spotting the herd on just the other side those eyes drifting carefully from one to the next as she looked for a weakness in the herd. An elder doe caught her gaze with a notable limb likely in it's time had out ran one wolf after another before a unlucky step had taken it's toll on a leg causing the limp.

Choosing not to wait for too much longer as that stomach growled at her yet again; shooting forth from her hiding spot the herd split and disappeared between the many different boulders seemingly having done this many times before. Chasing the elder doe proved to be easier then thought before; both that old age and the injured limb slowed her down. With a light growl Zodiac lunged those teeth meeting their mark in the back hind limb proving to trip the deer from the sudden chock. The warrior was quick to putting an end to the does suffering and knowing she was alone for now started on the meal before her. Those ears listening for any sounds of one approaching for Zodiac wasn't going to share her meal all that easily.