
My Love, My Soul, My Heart!


10-07-2013, 04:45 PM
She had been wandering through the lands as they were gripped by winter, investigating everything. She felt like something was going to happen, yet she did not know what. As she felt a presence behind her, and her name called by a masculine voice, she turned to see a man she had not expected to lay eyes on ever again. Jasper. Bi coloured orbs took in a tall build, draped with a familiar, one of a kind pelt. She was shocked, unable to move from her stance. After her vocal cords unlocked, she let out a whisper of disbelief. "J-Jasper?" She asked, lifting powerful paws to move closer.

If this was the wolf she thought he was, this was a man who had been her only true friend for the longest time of all while she was living on her own after her mother abandoned her. She had thought him to love her, and she had loved him. Then, of course, she had been forced to leave by one of his packmates when they had discovered the source of who was stealing from their kills, her.

As she moved forwards, she met clear green pools and felt tears prickle in her own. Was it really him? Was he here to end her loneliness in these lands, to be by her side for the rest of their lives? Somewhere deep inside, she knew he was, but she couldn't help but doubt it, she couldn't help but think he was sent to bring her back to his pack and face consequences for stealing. So she waited for him to confirm her suspicions, and maybe tell her why he was in the lands of Alacritia.
