


10-07-2013, 04:50 PM

His wary gaze rested on her, a question falling from his dark lips. She could hear the underlying questions loud and clear. Would she keep them? Would she raise them? What exactly would become of the little lives that were growing inside her. "I will be keeping them and raising them if thats what you mean." Certainty dripped from her words. She had a little army growing inside her. They would be all hers to raise how she saw fit. Her offspring would not be weak, they would rulers and together they would rule the world with an iron first. Somehow she didn't doubt that her training would be frowned upon by their father.

Not another word left her lips, her coral gaze resting easily on the man, waiting for the next round of questions that were certain to come. He didn't seem to be the type that would just let this go, already she could picture him requesting to be part of their little lives. She could live with that, but it would be made clear that he would have little to do with their training and the finer details of their upbringing. "What do you intend to do with them?" The feline finally spoke up, shooting her words directly at the dark man that towered over her much smaller frame. Tiny paws stepped away from Cat, approaching the male a few steps closer, narrowed eyes critically awaiting his answer.

She was well aware of the fact that Cat was a bitch and came off with a crazy attitude, but the feline would never allow some bastard to come along and inflict any so of pain on her. Including this one, father of the pups or not. Tail flickered behind her, small triangular ears ignoring any disgruntled sounds from Cat. It was the one question that Cena was concerned about but knew that Cat would never ask or even want to ask.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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