
'Round and 'round you'll go, up and down, never slow




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-26-2022, 01:31 AM
The chill of winter was in the air and it seemed with each passing day that Beauregard and Trill spent in these lands the colder it became. The bluejay was never all that pleased with the weather, not that she had ever shown much amusement in the colder season. Today in particular his feathered companion made it quite clear that she would not be accompanying him and Beau understood well enough why. The cold was bad enough for Trill to manage… flying in snow, however? No way! She was going to stay in her tree where Beau left her, thank you very much!

But for the ashen cream and black-furred yearling, the snowy morning was ripe for adventure! He set off across the northern lands and, in time, found himself approaching the ocean. He could smell the salt of the water in the air as he stepped across the snowy landscape. The further he walked the colder it seemed to become, Beau noticed.

What he wasn’t expecting on his journey, however, was to discover something as massive as the thing he found himself standing before hours later. Its cold coloration reminded him of rock, covered with odd red-brown earth in places. It creaked and groaned in the wind, and the smell of salty, rotten wood caused the youth to wrinkle his nose.

‘This is definitely something new… I’ve never heard of anything like it!’ Beau thought to himself. He could feel his body quivering with excitement and curiosity as he made his way over to some rocks next to it. After some swift climbing and a leap, he was on the deck, his paws hitting the wood hard.


His gaze swept the area before him as he padded towards the other side of the vessel. Beyond the ship he stood on he could see the ocean’s waves rolling towards the shore. The gray-green color wasn’t very pleasant, but the rolling waves were almost hypnotic. Beau found himself standing at the edge of the deck staring out at sea as his mind began to wander. Had any of his family, or his friends, ever seen something like this thing? How many of them had actually seen the ocean?

And for the first time since he left home, Beauregard found himself missing his kin.