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Kotori Predator


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
06-26-2022, 12:51 PM
The bear is angry, confused, and annoyed as the fight continues on, the earthen-hued male continues to holds the infuriated creature’s attention. Mismatched eyes look to the tall male, smirking when she notices that he seems to be enjoying facing this beast head on. Seere had been told her size and speed are her advantage so she does what her father told her to do… and runs. She dashes in and out, biting, snapping at the tender places around the bear’s ankles angering it, making it roar and hesitate in who it wants to attack. Yet, despite the pain and uncertainty, the huge bear does not give up and flee. No, the foolish grizzly chooses to stay and fight, swing a large, fat paw at the wolf who stood his ground.

Seere has to hand to the male wolf, he is unafraid, easily snatching the paw from the air to crunch it between his sharp teeth. Still, the grizzly does not flee. The monochrome girl darts away from fight, stopping a safe distance away to wheel about and face the standoff. The girl’s tongue lulls out of her mouth as she takes a moment to pant, her hot breath turning into clouds of steam as soon as they hit the cold air. Mind turns as she tries to figure out some way to get this crazy creature to turn tail and run. It has yet to show signs of wanting to leave and Seere needs to… encourage it along. Mismatched eyes search for any weakness on the beast and, when it stands to swipe at the earthen wolf, she finds it.

Being a male grizzly, she spies two very important things and immediately darts forward. Small body weaves in and out, rushing past the male wolf and in toward the standing the bear. There is no time to think, only time to act. The grizzly doesn’t realize that she is in his space, the unknown earthen wolf keeps its full attention. Seere is a blur as her body launches slightly upward, mouth opening only to close around some very important jewels… The bear’s eyes grow large and a rather indigent yelp, roar escapes its mouth as the small girl manages to make the mighty beast double over in pain. She has already released her hold on the soft tissue leaving a nice set of teeth marks in her wake. The bear stumbles sideways as it finally decides it might be time to flee. Paws turn away from the attacking pair as it begins to limp away.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.