
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-26-2022, 09:05 PM

Manea loved how easily she could tease and manipulate Irilyth, fully taking advantage of the ability to handle her how ever she pleased and make the smaller woman squirm and writhe from the most simple of touches. A side effect of doing all of this to her dear handmaiden was her tail brushing back and forth against her lower belly and more sensitive parts of her, making a little shiver dance down her spine as if the fanning of Irilyth's tail was fanning the ever present fire and desire in her core. Manea was of course happy to go along with whatever "experiments" Irilyth wished to conduct with her new concoction, but she was also just as eager to have Irilyth right in this moment without having to wait for her husband to return. When she made the suggestion of trying it now with just the two of them she could feel the quiver than ran through Irilyth's body at the idea and she knew she had her hooked. It was never really that difficult to entice Irilyth as it was, but it was always enjoyable to see how she reacted and how badly she wanted her in return.

The desire to see how the aphrodisiac affected brutes as well was understandable, but she was glad that wasn't going to keep Irilyth from giving her some now for a bit of a side experiment. The soft, blonde and white tail brushing more intentionally between her thighs made her shiver with delight again and she breathed a shaky sigh at the light teasing that was just enough to make her want more all the more desperately. A soft rumble of a growl left her when Irilyth tipped her head back to lick and kiss her chin, making a sly grin pull across her features in response. As Irilyth reclined back into her more readily and peered up at her with those familiar bedroom eyes, Manea looked down at her with the same look, her paws continuing to work and wander over Irilyth's torso and belly with slow, savoring motions. Her brow lifted with interest when Irilyth explained that she had a sample of it here with her now—following the statement and question of where they wanted to do this with her name. Manea's grin widened and she gave another soft, delighted growl at the improvement, one of her paws moving lower between Irilyth's thighs as a bit of positive reinforcement.

She gave the options a bit of thought before she finally replied, "Come on, I know where we can go," and reluctantly let her hold around Irilyth loosen. If it wasn't still the middle of winter she probably would have simply stayed right were they were and had her way with the smaller woman right here in the forest. However, laying on the cold, snow covered ground didn't exactly sound very pleasant. Once they were both back on their feet she led Iriltyh back toward the mountain range where the bulk of the dens were kept and brought her handmaiden to one of the dens she kept prepped for any guests that might show up at their borders. It was a small cave, but there were several large, plush furs creating a bed to the back of the cave and it made it quite cozy. It would have been easy enough to take Irilyth back to her own den instead, but she was feeling a bit selfish with Irilyth today and she didn't feel like sharing with Alastor just yet if he returned home. Settling onto the furs she grinned and looked to Irilyth curiously. "Well? Shall I have some of this magical concoction you've made then?"

"Manea Mendacium"