
Luxury Accommodations


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-26-2022, 09:18 PM

Manea's bold retort drew a hearty chuckle from the gargantuan brute when she claimed she couldn't help herself, gesturing to the attractive young couple hosting them. Oh, he didn't blame his beloved wife one bit for her remarks! Briar was a gorgeous fae, and Artorias a handsome brute. Both were very easy on the eyes and made a slew of lecherous thoughts and sordid desires dance about in the Mendacium man's head. He couldn't wait to get his paws on and all over them either! Being the carnal carnivore he was, Alastor was equally as eager to devour Briar as much as he was to ravage Artorias—hell, he might have been even more eager to have the young brute beneath him more! It was no secret between him and Manea that the dire brute had a curiosity he'd been itching to satisfy, and it seemed like the opportunity had finally presented itself for him to get to sample the pleasures another male could bring him. Dark eyes roaming the athletic form of the Aegis, Al quietly began to wonder just how much of a struggle the other alpha male might put up against him, and the thoughts made his core clench hard.

The Hallows couple led them up to the second floor, then down a quiet corridor to a set of dark wood doors that Artorias promptly opened for them. Inside was a regal bedroom of the highest order, the room spacious and opulent. A massive four poster bed sat against the wall to the right, a grand fireplace opposite it, and the far wall made almost entirely of glass windows. But despite the luxury of the bedroom, everything about its decor lent itself to a more humble and homely vibe that welcomed the wolves inside. Alastor let out a quiet whistle, impressed by what he saw. Artorias shut and locked the doors behind them while Briar sat opposite the couple, looking more like a meek deer surrounded by predators than a predator herself. Aww, the poor dear... She was so clearly out of her element here, no doubt her first time sampling other lovers than her black and blue husband-to-be. Alastor smiled at Briar, a more genuinely reassuring smile, though the undertones of lecherous hunger couldn't be completely masked. Just like Manea, Alastor delighted in the notion of getting to take the last of Briar's sweet innocence as they introduced both wolves to a whole new world of sexual pleasures and delights. No doubt by the time they were all finished and spent here tonight, Artorias and Briar would emerge changed wolves.

No sooner had the sweet and timid Briar asked how they began, Artorias was stepping up to the plate, preparing his fiancée with a deeply passionate kiss. Alastor's smile shifted back to that predatory grin while he watched the other couple making out with voyeuristic delight. He was impressed by the alpha male's confidence and initiatives to make sure all parties were eager and having a good time. It just made him want to put this wolf to the test even more! While he watched, he felt Manea's warm body lean into his side, supporting her weight with ease and noticing her enjoying the show before their eyes as well. He chuckled, but that sound quickly cut off into a sharp breath when he felt Manea's silken tail curl around the back of his thigh and brush up along some very sensitive parts of his anatomy. Sharp fangs caught his ear, sending a chill racing down his spine while she whispered her desires to him. He gave a husky chuckle, lust dripping in his voice. Of course Manea wanted Briar first. His wife had a penchant for taking lady lovers first, not that he ever complained. He always got his time with them both, and it meant he could enjoy the show while Manea worked her magic on steadily corrupting the modest Briar. Plus that meant he was getting his paws on Artorias first.

Alastor turned his muzzle to nip back at Manea's ear, whispering back, "You get her good and ready for us, sexy. I'll give you both a show to enjoy while you do." Manea would know exactly what he meant. Alastor was eager to get his first taste of a brute in bed and see where his sexuality expanded to. Manea was bisexual, and after having watched her with ladies, it had made the Mendacium brute wonder about himself. Now he had his chance, and he was going to make the most of it. As soon as Artorias pulled away from Briar and moved towards the bed, the Mendaciums were moving like coordinated hunters, Manea going toward Briar while Alastor headed for Artorias. While Manea ushered Briar onto the bed and got her into position, Alastor made a sneaky move of heading around to the opposite side, then climbing up and moving towards Artorias while the other brute was busy watching Manea begin to touch and seduce his fiancée.

Alastor was able to get right up on Artorias before the shifting of the mattress tipped the other brute off, but by the time he glanced up and amber met obsidian, Alastor was already flopping to his side on the expansive bed beside the Aegis, wrapping his powerful forelimbs around the other male's sides and pulling his body back taut to his chest and stomach. The gasp Artorias made sent shivers down Alastor's spine that settled between his thighs. "Did I startle you, Aegis?" he teased, massive black paws roaming leisurely up and down the smooth planes of taut muscles of Artorias' chest and stomach, digits combing through the thick azure fur of the young brute's underside. Artorias squirmed some, but Alastor refused to relinquish his hold, leaning his muzzle up to catch one of Art's dark ears between his teeth. "Your lover seems a bit shy," he mused in a low rumbling whisper directly into the other male's ear. "Why don't we give them something fun to watch while my wife helps warm your girl up?" Alastor didn't wait for a response before he let his paws roam all over Artorias' toned body from neck down to his waist, tracing through dense fur and over every inch of warm skin he could touch, focusing on the sounds he could pull from the Aegis. His nose buried in the man's scruff, drinking in his masculine scent while smoldering onyx eyes peered over the short distance to Manea and Briar, thoroughly enjoying getting to watch his mate tease and corrupt Briar while he got his first taste of intimacy with the same sex.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
