
Isardis x Eris



10-07-2013, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 03:59 AM by Symphony.)
Pup #1;
Name: Irune Ezra Armada.
Sex: Female
Appearance: Mottled blue and russet, with pale to white underside and amber eyes. (Table #1)
Personality: Irune is a true daddy's girl. She want to be like Isardis, to be strong, brave, and a leader. She see's no flaws in her father and strives to follow his lead. She is a beautiful wolf and knows it. She fluants it with pride. She has a habit of demanding everyone be looking their best. She will spend hours grooming to prefection and then do the same for her mother. She also must keep the den clean and neat. She's a neat freak through and through. She hates when others dont follow orders, are dirty, and will never ever follow orders from those her age or younger. She sees herself in a higher light than others. Life is all about first impressions, this is her moto. She can be very respectful, diplomatic, and ever threatening.

Her anger is something rare and deadly. She is not one to raise her voice, or lash out. It would take extreme measure to have her lunging at your throat. Her training has left her as a leathal killer. If asked by her father, mother, or overseers, she will impliment her wraith on those that are recieving punishment in some manner or another. Those arrogent to follow the rules must be punished. She has strong opinions and refuses to even consider others.

Sercetly Irune has a natural skill for healing. She practices it when alone or when its just her mother around. She believes that if Isardis or anyone founds out they will see her as weak. She strives to prove she is strong. Healing in her eyes will not justify that. Though she does not see her motherbas weak. She adores her mother dearly but feels she is best protecting her. Maybe her path in life will make her a warrior or maybe let her learn in her mothers pawsteps.